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CELIA WOKE UP TO A BLINDING LIGHT RIGHT ABOVE HER. Her eyes squinted at the light, trying to adjust to it. She glanced to her right, noticing a presence there, well, more than one presence. Will and Christina were standing there, looking at her with sympathy.

"How long have I been here?" That was the first question she asked.

"About a day," her heart dropped, just like when Jeanine was here. A day!?

"A day? Where am I on the rankings? Oh my god, I have to train with Eric. I missed last night," she scrambled up, only to be pushed down.

"Woah, you aren't going anywhere, take it easy," Will said. "You're twenty-sixth in rankings."

"What!? Wait, why not?" The girl asked.

"Eric said you're done," Christina informed her, feeling sad for her friend.

"I don't give a damn what Eric says. He can go fuck himself. Why are you guys wearing those vests?" She ranted.

"War games. Look, Celia, your dad is on the council, they might make an exception."

"What, no. Where are the war games?" She asked, desperate.

"We don't know, just, we're sorry Celia," Will sympathized with her. "We gotta go, we'll miss the train." They got up, going to leave, not even realizing that they just gave up where they are going. Christina hugged her and Will gently touched her neck.

"I'm sorry, Celia." He whispered before starting to walk away.

"Wait, where's Tris? She's always with you guys," all Christina did was glance at the bed opposite Celia. Celia glanced over, seeing Tris with bruises on her face. She put her gaze back at the doorway, only to see that they left.

Like hell she was going to let Eric decide what she does, but she was more driven by the fact that her dad might just accept her back if he could. Celia got up and put on the vest they were given at the start, before going over to Tris to see if she was awake. She wasn't but Celia couldn't risk it. She bolted out the door, hoping the train didn't leave yet. She got to the top before pushing open the door.

When she opened the door, the train was only starting to leave, she ran. Ran like hell. She caught up with the back of the train. Just then Four peeked outside. His face changed from calm to surprised, thinking the girl was still unconscious. She caught up to him and he put his arm out for her to grab her. Instead of being stubborn, she took it. He helped her in before looking at her like she was crazy.

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