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CELIA PICKED UP THE KNIFE FROM THE DESK. Eric stood a few feet behind her and watched her as she did. Right before she threw, he went behind her, his lips grazing her exposed neck. Her breath hitched as she tensed. She tried to focus on the target, not letting him get a reaction. He spoke up, "Do I make you nervous, Celia?"

Celia shook her head. Eric glared at her and grabbed a knife of his own. "Words, Celia, use your words."

He lifted his knife to her cheekbone, lightly tracing it, not enough to draw blood, but enough to make a shiver go down her spine. She finally responded, "No."

"Focus on the target, Celia. You've gotten a bullseye before, do it again." she could feel his breath on her neck. She turned back to the target and got in her stance, trying to ignore him. She stepped and threw the knife. She watched it in the air and hit the target with a thud. It landed an inch away from the bullseye. She closed her eyes and sighed, hating that he does affect her. Eric made a tsk noise, shaking his head at her.

Celia glared at him, "Fine, you wanna make this interesting? Whoever gets closer to the bullseye wins. One knife each." She smiled at him.

Eric cocked his head to the side,"You do realize I have never missed, right?"

"There's always a first for everything."

Eric smirked at her, still having a knife in his hands. "What do I get when I win?" He asked.

"What do you want?" She countered.

You instantly popped into his head. I want you. He shook the thoughts away. "You don't get to talk back to me for the rest of the week, otherwise, I get to choose a punishment."

"Okay. If I win, you have to be nice to me for the rest of the week, and you have to clean up after training." She had a strategy in mind, knowing it was her only way of winning.

"Fine," Eric agreed, knowing that he'd win. "Ladies first," He gestured for her to step up. Celia walked up, choosing any knife. Eric stood a couple of feet away watching. Celia went into her stance, aiming for anything around the bullseye. She threw the knife, making a whooshing sound as it flew through the air. It landed a few centimeters from the bullseye. Good enough, she thought.

Eric laughed, "Better get ready to shut your mouth, princess." Celia rolled her eyes at his arrogant exterior. Eric took the knife that was in his hand, getting ready to throw it. Right as it was almost out of his hand, Celia made her move, going right behind him. She lightly traced his tattoos.

"I like your tattoos, they're cool." Eric shuddered, feeling her breath on his neck. His knife landed a couple of inches away from the bullseye. He quickly turned around and pinned her to the nearest wall.

"That's cheating," He got dangerously close to her face. His eyes glanced at her lips, wanting to do it.

"All's fair in love and war." She smiled at him brightly.

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