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"CELIA," FOUR'S VOICE RANG THROUGHOUT THE ROOM. Today was the last practice day before the fear landscape and Celia wasn't nervous about that. She was more nervous about what Tori had said. She got up and went into the room and was shocked when she saw Eric instead of Four.

"Why are you here?" She asked, her heartbeat increasing. The talk she had with Tori played in her head. Her brother was watched by a leader, now she was too.

"I'm doing your test today," he replied, nonchalantly, not even looking at her.

She glanced at Four, "Well, why?" She insisted.

"Just sit in the damn chair, Celia," he demanded, finally looking at her. The girl nodded and sat in the chair. She glanced at Eric seeing him pick up the syringe, she stiffened.

Four also noticed and finally spoke, "What's your favorite color?" He asked, shocking only one of the two in front of him.

"Wow, Four, I thought you'd get deeper with the questions as we went on but okay... Lilac," she answered as he smiled.

"What you're not gonna ask mine?" He said, and Celia smiled now.

"No, I already know it," she remarked.

"Oh really?" He mused. Eric just stood there watching them with a confused look.

"Yeah, it's black," she concluded, knowing she was right. Four also knew she was right and looked away, pretending to be annoyed. But really he was happy that she paid enough attention to him that she knew his favorite color.

"What the hell are you doing? Playing twenty-one questions?" Eric asked, walking over to Celia.

"No, I have a fear of needles so Four asks me questions to distract me," she answered, refusing to look at the syringe in his hand. Once she felt a poke in her neck, she looked over to Eric.

"Well isn't that just sweet," he mocked. He was just mad that she was warming up to Four, the one thing he didn't want her to do. She was the thing that he was supposed to get, not Four. He put the device on her temple and then went back to the computer. Celia glanced at Four before her eyes shut.

The girl woke up in amity. She knew this was coming, this supposed 'fear' of hers. But she wasn't scared of her father, so why was she here? She was on the ground, with broken glass all around her. In front of her was her father.

"Cecelia, clean up the mess, now," he demanded, getting up from his place on the couch.

"No," she replied, glancing at the bottles scattered around, then at the one in his hand.

"What did you say?" He stalked toward her, leaving a good ten feet between them. She pressed her back against the wall.

"I said no," she replied. She wasn't scared but she definitely got Deja vu from when she was an early teen.

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