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FOUR TRIED TO OPEN HIS EYES BUT WHEN HE DID, HAIR GOT IN THEM. He moved the hair and gazed down at the girl lying on his chest. Thinking she was still asleep, he admired her beauty. Her long eyelashes and her curved nose. Stunning.

When Celia woke up, her pillow felt warm. She snuggled into it before realizing that it was, in fact, not a pillow. She tried to remain calm, not opening her eyes, though she could feel someone staring at her. She knew it could only be Four.

"You're staring," she whispered.

"No, I'm not," his voice was husky, signaling he had just woken up too. She opened her eyes to look at him, finding her statement to be true.

"Sure, Four. Whatever you want to believe," she sat up, leaning against the pillow behind her and closing her eyes again. Even after the night, she was still tired. Four also got up, leaving the girl in his bed. Celia didn't realize how long she had actually been sitting there until Four came back with items in his hands.

"How you feeling?" He questioned.


"Good," he set down the stuff on the opposite table before pivoting back to her. "Where did you go yesterday?" Celia looked at the floor before her eyes met Fours again.

"To see my friend," she answered.

Four rolled his eyes, turning away from her. "It's getting a little boring for you here, is it?" He questioned sarcastically, referring to the night before. He leaned on the table behind him. This time it was Celia's turn to roll her eyes.

"My friend said that... She thinks Erudite is planning to overthrow Abnegation. Do you think they could do that?" She asked.

"Yeah, I do. I think it's possible. Depends how far they're willing to go," he answered, nodding his head a little and leaning on the table behind him.

"I'm worried about my friends," she was worried about Stella. Stella was in abnegation but their whole motto is being selfless, so she helped amity. If erudite was planning on overthrowing abnegation, Stella could get caught in the crossfire.

"Yeah, but I think you got other things to worry about. Don't you?" He referred to when she got attacked again. But Celia thought of being divergent.

"Yeah, I should go," she stood up, leaving Four behind. Celia traveled the halls before she finally found her way to the cafeteria. She found her friends and sat next to Christina.

Christina rubbed Celia's arm as she sat down. "Hi,"

"Hey," she mumbled, laying her head on her hand.

"Is that your sweater?" Christina asked.

STORM--》FOUR | DIVERGENTWhere stories live. Discover now