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CELIA WOKE UP FROM THE LOUD BANGING COMING FROM ACROSS THE ROOM. She lifted from her laying position to see what it was. Looking over her shoulder she saw Four hitting a metal pole in the room.

"I want everyone in the pit, two minutes," that was all he said before leaving them to get ready. Celia got up and dressed in a jacket, leggings, and a tank top. She left with all of the other initiates to go to the pit.

When she got there Four was sitting on a boulder with Eric next to him. Four got up to talk with the initiates.

"The two stages of training," he announced while walking over to them, "The first is physical, push your bodies to the breaking point and you'll master the methods of combat." Celia looked down and then back at Four, watching his every move.

"The second is mental. Again, breaking point. You'll face your worst fears and conquer them unless they get to you first. You'll be trained separately from the dauntless-born but you'll be ranked together," he pointed to the dauntless-born. Celia turned to look at them, meeting Kai's gaze. She smiled slightly before turning back to Four. "After initiation, the ranking will determine what jobs you move into. Leadership, guarding the fence, or keeping the factions from killing each other," he informed them, as he looked Christina up and down.

Eric spoke up for the first time, still sitting on the boulder. "Ranking will also determine who gets cut," he spoke, knowing the transfers had no clue about cuts. Except, Celia did. Kai had spoken of it to her before. While everyone else had confused faces she had a calm one.

"Cut?" Christina asked, confused about what Eric had just said. Celia looked at her and spoke quietly.

"At the end of each stage, you get ranked. It's based on how well you did in that stage. If you're below the average or something, you get cut," everyone turned to her like she was crazy, even Four and Eric. She retracted a little, regretting what she had just said. "What, you guys don't do research?" she added. Christina laughed under her breath.

Eric stepped toward her, "Good job, flower girl, but it isn't your job to inform people," he said. When he stopped he was a foot or two away he muttered, "You understand?"

Celia looked up at him and said, "Yeah, I understand,"

He leaned in closer to her ear and whispered, "It's funny when you're flustered." Celia glared at him, scoffing. He stepped back, looking toward all of the initiates again. Celia could swear that her heart was going to fall out of her chest. She glanced at Christina before looking back at Eric.

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