Chapter 5: Tomorrow Is Tuesdays Monday

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I've woken up but i'm too scared to open my eyes, because when i do and i see that what happened wasn't a dream i might just break. I sit there for what feels like hours just replaying the night over and over again in my head, that is until i hear a knock. I ignore it at first, and then i hear footsteps coming towards me, they're running, panting, then they scream i jolt awake. I was so distraught that i didn't realise i'd fallen asleep. Then there's another knock thats when i realise im not in my home, this isn't my bed this room is larger than my whole apartment. I hear the person knock once more before i finally speak up, my voice scratchy from crying "Yes?" i croak.

The door slowly opens and i try to fix my myself up, my hairs a mess and i assume my eyes are puffy, and i get a glimpse of an unfamiliar red head before i look down in my lap to hide my disheveled appearance. The woman walks in and closes the door behind her, and sits down at the end of my bed without a word. I can feel her watching me, trying to figure out what she's going to say before speaks up with a faint accent that i can't quite recognize. "Your thoughts are loud you know?" I look up in surprise then remember how i must look and bring my focus back to my hands in my lap. "Where am i?" I ask shakily, "Stark tower, Fury thought it would be best considering your... situation" Situation? what the hell is this woman going on about. "Your powers" the fuck did i say that out loud. "No, you didn't, i'm a telepath." I chuckle dryly, i am really not in the mood for this bullshit. "No your not, and your not funny" I say slowly only half believing the words i said. "Yes i am, you might not find me funny but i am a telepath. Think of something" she says so i shrug and think of the most random sentence i can come up with, tomorrow is tuesdays monday. "Today is tuesdays monday" she says hers eyes glowing slightly and her accent a little more prominent than before. the hell?

"Where's that from" she asks "A friend used to say it when things went badly, kind of like saying tomorrow is a redo. It doesn't make sense but thats what made it funny" I chuckled quietly to myself when i remembered the first time aspen said that to me. We'd done some dumb shit sunday night and were hungover and got nothing done the next day, so she looked at me dead in the eyes high off her ass and said "Tomorrow is Tuesdays Monday" in a brittish accent. We sat there laughing and rolling around on the floor for about half an hour, at something that wouldn't of been half as funny sober. "Well i think it's funny, and i'm sober" she says laughing to herself a little bit, i freak out a for a second forgetting the whole mind reading thing before chuckling and asking "So, any other powers i need to know about?" i didn't really expect her to say yes because like one power should be enough for one person but she clearly just an overachiever. She didn't say anything but red sparks came from her hand and over floated the plant that was sitting on the bed side table, now that would be handy.

For these few minutes i'd completely forgotten of last nights events but that was short lived. Because just as fast as i'd forgotten they came flooding back, the muffled sound of the gunshots, the guilt and pain came crashing down on me. In that moment i felt like i was going to drown with these visions crushing me. I didn't even realise i had spaced out until i heard the woman's voice "Y/N?", "Y/N are you ok", i came back to reality and silent tears fell down my face. I hated crying in front of people, i was raised in a place i couldn't show weakness. My parents loved me but that didn't stop them from finding any and all weak points. I just got up and walked to what i hoped was a bathroom locking and sliding down the door, this aching feeling washing over me repeatedly as i heard the woman knock on the door. "Y/N, hon let me in" I didn't even take in the fact i had gotten up and opened the door until i was engulfed in the warmest hug i didn't realise i needed. I wanted to cry but it felt like i couldn't anymore, i was just broken. We stood like this for a couple minutes before she spoke up once again, "We should take you down to have breakfast, food would do you good" i reluctantly nodded "I didn't get your name" as it finally registered that i had spent around an hour with this woman before even knowing her name. "Wanda" she said softly and with that we walked to the kitchen the entire time i was just hoping there wouldn't be anyone down there to see me in this state.

But to my luck we entered the kitchen to see a familiar redhead standing by the counter, Romanoff. Of course out of all people to see me like this it had to be that woman, she looked like she had just woken up. Her hair was in a high messy bun, and without her makeup on i could see faint freckles scattered across her face. She was ethereal. Wanda smirked and kept walking, damn it that sneaky witch. I slightly waved to nat as wanda pulled out a stool for me to sit on while she began prepping my food. I assume everyone knows im here, because wanda knew and nat doesn't look surprised and if she is she's hiding it well.

It's been around fifteen minutes nat finished her toast a little while ago and is still sat reading her book, and wanda is now plating up our food. Pancakes, with strawberries and maple syrup my favourite. i'm sitting there eating my pancakes and feel someone staring at me i look up and wandas busy washing up but i just catch nat look back down at her book, she thinks she sneaky.

this ones kind of word vomity but it's here and you're gonna get more nat content soon. As always let me know your thoughts.

Later, Laur

Word count:1084

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