Chapter 18: Natalia

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Diary entry: Day 30

I was given Natasha's file today, or should I say Natalia. I found out that after her escape from the red room she just left those girls there. She never went back, and after what I was shown today I know she'll do the same to me


Day 30 Flashback

Today was different; normally, they strap me to the chair and immediately get to work, but this time they strapped me down and walked to the small table in the far corner of the room, which I hadn't seen them use before, but before I could think about it, they grabbed what appeared to be a remote and the room lit up. The brightness on the enormous screen in front of me was almost blinding; I don't think I've seen a light so bright since the kidnapping.

They talked me through what they were about to show me with very little detail just saying "Since you have demonstrated no inclination to comply, we have some information that may change your opinion about your beloved Avengers." They then clicked the first button on the remote, and the blank screen flooded with images of those I would call my family, first was wanda, then it changed to steve who was followed by bucky, it went on and on until natasha appeared. "would we be correct to assume you took a liking to the black widow?" he asked with a shit eating grin, and I tried not to express any emotion, but it proved impossible when an image with a date flashed on the screen, with yesterday's date.

It was a picture of Natasha and Steve on an escalator, with his hand on his small of his back and her hands on his jaw. It has only been thirty days and she's already moved on, did I really mean that little to her, that she could be swapping spit with captain stick up his ass a month after I was taken.

I was done, for the first time since I got here I struggled against the restraints, "Ah, professor it seems we have, what is that American saying 'hit a nerve?'" he chuckled "would you like to know more about your Natasha. Or should I say Natalia" he flicked the screen over to the next slide which showed countless photographs of files Natasha's files. Telling me all about dreykov and his 'plans' how nat left the redroom not looking back, not trying to save the other girls or even her own sister, she just left them to fend for themselves. If I was Yelena I would never speak to her again, but I guess our situations are similar she hasn't found me yet and with her track record I doubt she's even trying. And the worst part of it all is the fact I still love her.


Diary entry: Day 100

Today I finally figured out the writing that has now turned to scars from my tenth day here said. "This will be your end".


Diary entry: Day 365

It's been a year; I'm used to sleeping on the floor now I ditched the sorry excuse for a bed last week I'm more comfortable down here. I just want to have a proper conversation with someone, I'd even talk to Steve and his self-righteous ass these days.


Diary entry: Day 500

Today marks 500 days, not much has changed. The Book giver has remained a mystery, and at this point I don't think I'll ever know


Diary entry: Day 985

Nearly three years in this hell hole and I still haven't been saved by 'the world's mightiest heroes' it's such a load of bullshit, I receive beatings five days a week each lasting 2 hours. Yes, I counted. I have nothing else to say really, except I hate it here, but that was pretty fucking obvious.


This is kinda a filler chapter and its real short but you'll get more soon. As always leave thoughts and ideas etc.

Later, Laur <3

Wordcount: 650

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