Chapter 15: Testosterone Filled Room

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Natasha's POV:

I didn't know what to say when y/n told me. I wasn't sure if there was anything I could say that would make her feel better. So, we just sat there in silence together with her in my arms as I gently rocked her side to side kissing her on the head periodically until her tears ceased, and we eventually get out of bed and made our way towards the shower.

She hadn't looked up nor had she said a word yet, so I silently helped her get undressed and gently washed her peppering kisses along her skin as I went.


She looked to be in better spirits by the time we got out, and we were now walking down to the kitchen. She clung to my arm the entire way down and I'm not complaining about the touch; I love it when she's clingy; I just wish that there was something I could do to make her feel better.

Y/n's POV:

Nat set me down at the bench as she began cooking; I know having Nat in the kitchen is a horrible idea, but when I say 'cooking,' I actually mean heating up some leftover pizza, and she insisted, and I figured she couldn't really screw up a microwave the worst she'll do is burn it a little.

The guys began to pile into the dining room at the smell of food, eyes glimmering with hope. Losers. As Nat spoke up "Sorry boys, there's not enough for all of us and I've gotta feed my lady" which was met with a response of 'damns' and light disappointed swearing. "And here I was going to invite you to the party tonight Romanoff" Tony said sarcastically to which I lifted my head and jokingly said "well I'm still invited right?" to which Nat gave me a dirty look, and Tony nodded snickering at nat, before handing me an envelope "From Fury" he says as they all head out leaving nat and I in the kitchen alone again to open the letter


Y/n L/n,

SHIELD would like to formally invite you

to join the avenger initiative, we strongly

believe that your skill set would be valuable

in helping our cause. Please give our offer

some thought and inform Director Nick

Fury of your decision by next week

Kind Regards,

Agent Maria Hill.

Shit, I thought and looked up to Nat who was gesturing for letter, she reads over it and a concerned but proud smile crossed her face "So are you going to take it? I agree with them you'd be an asset" she said, I nodded but said "That kind of thing isn't me, I'm not the hero type" and she nods but clearly isn't about to let this go "I think you are" she said as she placed a slice of pizza in front of me "Think about it"


It's now evening, and Wanda, who is dressed in a red slip dress, has come over to assist me in getting ready while Nat is in the shower. I suppose I've done a good job of putting on a strong front, since I'm about to burst into tears. I need a drink. Nat thought I needed a day of rest so its taken a fair bit of convincing to make her think it's a good idea. I'm sitting on my bed as wanda rummages through my closet "Here!" she shouts chucking out a black dress shirt to go with my green suit, Nat exits the bathroom and I'm stunned as she walks towards me reaching her hand out under my jaw gently shutting my mouth, I didn't realise was open and chuckled. Once I regained my composure I headed to the bathroom clothes in hand, and once I finish up we head downstairs.

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