Chapter 31: A Better Place

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Y/n's POV:
You wake up the next morning to the sun in your eyes as you swat at the night stand aiming for your phone as the alarm blares incessantly. For someone who is supposedly a light sleeper Natasha seems unfazed by rude attempted awakening this morning, snuggling herself deeper into your chest, light snores that are only audible because she's so close to you can be heard. As you take a moment to just breathe in the peace, then it hits you, you're not there at HYDRA anymore you're here with Natasha in your arms, you're both safe and right then and there you silently vow to yourself that you will never let her be hurt again. Not by you, not by anyone. For the first time in literal years you can breath, and you are in a better place.
It's half an hour before she becomes restless, seemingly unable to find a comfortable position in your arms she begins to wake. It takes her a moment to fully become aware of her surroundings but you relish in it. You watch her senses awaken slowly, the slight nose scrunch she makes and the way her grip tightens on your shirt as if she's afraid that when she opens her eyes you'll be gone. You gently run your hand along her back your other one finding it's way to her cheek. "Y/n?" she asks quietly, slight fear evident in her voice.
"I'm here moya lyubov" you whisper kissing her on the forehead and watch her visibly body ease, the tension in her shoulders neither of you realised was there dissipated and she slowly opened her eyes.
"Hi." She says quietly, looking into your eyes.
"Hi." you respond reaching out to tuck a strand of hair she's was pretending wasn't bothering her behind her ear. "How'd you sleep?" You ask.
"I haven't slept that well since you went missing" she said nuzzling back into you chest, and just taking a moment to breathe you in. "How long have you been up?" she mutters against your bare skin giving you slight goose bumps along the back of your neck.
"About half an hour" you say as you mindlessly play with her hair. You don't think you'd ever noticed how soft it was before, it was just anything thing you would never take for granted again.
"And you just spent that time creepily watching me?" she queried, poking your side with an alarmingly cold finger that you immediately pull under the covers and into your own hands.
"I wasn't watching you" you say defensively though you both know it's a lie. "And even if I was it wasn't creepy" you said chuckling.
It took the two of you another hour before you left the warm safety of Natasha's bed and ventured down to the kitchen. It wasn't early in the morning by any means but it was still early enough to run into people cookin breakfast. Case in point, Wanda.
"Hey you two" The witch who's back was turned said not turning to look at the two women nor looking up from her waffles.
"It's still creepy the way she can do that right? It's not just me?" You ask a smirking Natasha,
"It's certainly weird but you should be used to it by now" She muttered wrapping her arms around you waist, rocking the two of you side to side before responding to the read head in front of you. "Hey Wands"
"I have extra if you want them" She says gesturing to the waffles in front of her.
"Are they the chocolate chip ones we hide from Thor?" You question excitedly, you and wanda had discovered them on a grocery trip a short while before you were taken and Thor quickly became obsessed to the point where the team had to hide them whenever he was on planet otherwise nobody else got any.
"Of course, you really think I'd be eating peasant waffles when we know these ones exist. I am NEVER eating eggos again" she laughs, and she's not wrong once you try these there is no going back.
The three of you sit around the bench eating the 'non peasant' waffles talking about random stuff and expertly avoiding the topic of Nat and your fight, just accepting that the two of you are ok now. It goes quiet for a while before Wanda speaks up. "Your thoughts were always so loud Y/n, it was like i could never escape them, but they've gone silent." she pauses for a moment, "I can't see in your head, it's just dark not a bad dark though just dark." She finished explaining, changes were to be expected after HYDRA but she never thought that that would be a possibility.
"Well I spent six years as HYDRA's guinea pig wands, probably a lot of things like that changed i guess" you respond while finishing up your waffle.
"I know, it just brought me comfort knowing that if i needed to i could. you know?" she says quietly, Wanda never liked using her powers for things like that but she appreciated the way it could help in difficult situations so you understood where she was coming from. If you were to be honest with yourself you're a little upset as well. It was just another reminder of what they took from you.
"Ah the human matchstick returns" Tony says walking through the doors and patting you on the back as he went by. "you plans triple agent good again? Because i can't have her moping around for the next however many years" he says taking a quick glance at Nat before averting his eyes from her glare. You knew this was Tony's way of saying 'congrats' so you were going to take it.
"Y/N!!!!!" The voice of two people echoed through the halls followed by two bouncing bodies of the very excited Kate and Peter "YOU'RE REALLY BACK?" Kate exclaims before seeing the fake disapproving look Tony is giving the two of them and realising she is being far too loud. "You're back!" she whisper yelled as Peter flung himself at you wrapping his aroma around your waist and sniffling into your shoulder "I missed you" he whimpered, you chuckled lightly wrapping one arm around him and patting him on the back with the other "don't worry spidey I'm not going anywhere" you muttered.
"You better not be Y/l/n" Natasha said darkly.
"Don't worry love I'm here to stay"
Ok here we are i know i said i was coming back at the start of the year but i took another little break by accident i got busy with uni and i forgot all about this book, buuut we have reached the end. I had no idea what to right but this is good enough for me. I might write a epilogue if we want it enough if i do it'll just some it all up and be real fluffy. Anyway i have a new book on the go but i want to write a few more chapter before i publish and each chapter in this one will at least be 2500-3000 words each and i'll probably put it on ao3 too. So finally one more time, feel free to leave thoughts ideas and comments i love hearing from you guys.
Later Laur <3
Wordcount: 1100

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