Chapter 19: It's A Shame

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Diary entry: Day 1825
I honestly don't know why I'm still keeping track after five years. The frequency of beatings has decreased from five per week to two, which is good, I assume they figured after all these years I wouldn't give them the information they want. Though they've started experimenting on me recently, at first it was just endurance and strength, but I had an injection today, and based on their expression, I don't believe it was successful. Although they found out about my other power today, and I have been dubbed the name Illusion.


Flashback to day 1813

Unlike all the other times I was taken from my cell and left in a different room to my usual one, this room has a treadmill with an additional machine attached, and which to me looks to be a torture devise but really is just a weight machine. First they has me attached to the treadmill where I assume they studied my speed and stamina before leading me over to the weights. After they let me leave the machine I collapsed to the floor, I guess not eating or sleeping does something to your body. Who'd of guessed.

The guards rushed towards me but honestly the last thing I need right now is someone touching me, I've made it this far without showing them my other 'ability' but right now I have to use it. So I cast a projection and crawled behind the equipment. As soon as they reached my clone and went to pick it up, their arm went straight through the centre of it before disappearing completely. This of course sent everyone into a frenzy, yelling to each other in Russian and checking the room before the head scientist calmly approached and said "Well well boys, it appears we have a magician on our hands. I shall call you 'illusion'" after making a grand speech about how I shall be an asset and such to HYDRA he helped me to my feet and had the guards take me back to my cell.


Diary Entry: Day 2102

Nothing serious to note from today

Diary entry: Day 2191


It has been six years and one day since I was taken from the avengers, and it has been six years and one day since my world was thrown upside down. I've heard the guards talking and from the little Russian I've picked up during my time here, I don't think I'll be around much longer. I heard them saying something along the lines of 'the American's next' and how 'it's a shame' and that I'm a 'bastard'. I think they said bastard?



Flash back to a week ago:

Like I often do at 11 p.m., I'm leaning up against the left wall near to the vent that leads to what I guess is a break room, attempting to hear what the guards are saying. Currently, one man is talking over his "comrade," which is driving me insane because I can only hear half of their conversation.

"Американец скоро уходит, я думаю, что действительно могу скучать по этому ублюдку. Она растет на тебе, нет?" (The american goes soon, i think i might actually miss the bastard. She grows on you, no?) The loud guard announces before his co worker softly states


"Ну, я точно не буду скучать по ней, теперь на одного человека меньше." (Well, I certainly won't miss her, this is one less person to feed.)



Today's collection was different from the previous, because unlike most days before a beating or experiments, the guards didn't drag me by the scruff of my neck. Instead, when they retrieved me this morning after breakfast, they were simply walking beside me as if we were equals, something HYDRA never allowed to happen. No insults or belittlement were directed at me today; instead, there was silence and an understanding that no one would ever see me again.

Believe it or not while walking to what I can only assume is my death, all I can think about, is her. You'd think in my 22 years of life before imprisonment I'd have a little more floating around in this head of mine, something a little more substantial than one woman I'd known for 6 months. Though that shouldn't discredit her as although she was one woman, and although I hate her for not saving me, I strongly believe, Natalia was it for me. I loved her, and now I must come to peace with the fact I shall never see her again.


Well shit, what's gonna happen to y/n? Well i know obviously, but what do you think. These past three chapters were originally all one but it was over 2000 words and i was like nope not happening, so that's why we have some shorter and some longer. As always leave your thoughts ideas and all that and I'll see you soon.

Wordcount: 825

Later, Laur <3

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