Chapter 20: Something like that

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Bang the guard to my right drops to the floor.

Bang the guard to my left drops to the floors.

Blood Everywhere.

Splatters up the walls surrounding me.

Splatters cover me.

I can't see, I go to wipe my eyes before I'm pulled into a neighbouring room. I can finally see again, and I look up. "Hello, Sister" he says, I go to swing my fist into his face but he grabs me and holds me against his chest. "WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME." My muffled voice yells "I'M YOUR SISTER, I LOVED YOU AND YOU PUT ME THROUGH THIS HELL" I scream trying to struggle out of his grasp while tears stream down my face staining his shirt. "I know, I know" he coos "I love you, I didn't want to do this" he says.

"I trusted you" I mumble giving into his clutch, "I trusted you" he says nothing but I can tell he nodded, "We have to get you out of here, they're going to euthanise you" he says but I shake my head "Not until you tell me why" I whisper looking into his eyes, they are so soft and caring I don't know how he could be capable of causing so much pain. I can tell he doesn't want to talk but I don't stand down, "They had my son" he says my heart drops.

"I have a nephew?" I ask, "And, and th-they took him?" he says nothing but nods with tears in his eyes, I say nothing else but just hug him. "What's his name?" I ask when we finally part.

"Ethan" he says proudly, "He's almost seven now, he looks just like his mom" he mentions before adding "He acts just like you though, cheeky little shit" he says shaking his head and ruffles my hair which makes me swat at his hand "Well he's obviously perfect then" I say cockily.

"Something like that" he laughs "I really didn't want to bring you in y/n, I really want you to know that" he says guiltily "But I got him back, and he's safe with his mom, and now we're getting you out" he says and reaches from the vent before climbing up and gesturing me to follow him. "I'll go first you need to stick right behind me, this leads to entry hall after that we'll head out the kitchen door and that leads you to a tunnel on the other side Ethan's mom is waiting for us" I nod and follow him into the darkness. "I'll get you out of here, I promise" he says

"We'll both get out of here, lets get you home to your boy" I say.


We've been crawling for maybe fifteen minutes now and Luke turns to whisper back to me "We're at the hall I'll drop down first, when I tell you I need you to come down too, don't worry about the fall I'll catch you" I nod, and he drops below. I watch him get to his feet brushing himself off before he nods my way and I drop landing safely on my feet his arms bracing me. "Come on lets go before the alarm-" hi sentence was cut short by incessant sirens blaring so we look at each other then, to the kitchen door but just as we turn the guards burst into the room, we know we wont make it in time so we turn in sync to face them men but He turns to me and says "Go!" pointing to the door. I don't want to leave but the look on his face convinces me, he goes to fight and I head to the safety of the kitchen. I make it past the door and look through its window just in time to see Luke reach his hand out towards me and mouth what I assume was 'I love you' and collapse in a pile of blood. I scream, falling to the floor as the halls ceiling fall crushing the guards and my brother. Did I do that?


I stand up wiping my tears pushing through the pain in my heart and finding my way out of the building, I'm walking through the tunnel completely defeated sniffing occasionally and almost dragging my feet knowing that when I reach the other side I have to tell the mother of his child that the love of her life wasn't coming home to her and her boy.


I eventually reach the other side to see a green jeep behind a boulder, he got his stupid dream car after all. He was the reason I got into racing, I'd never seen the point in flashy cars.

*Flashback to when y/n was 10 & Luke was 17*

"Why do you even like cars Luke? They're dumb" I ask while watching him fiddle with the exhaust on the crappy vehicle mom and dad bought him for his birthday. "Because they look cool, you wouldn't get it you're a girl" he said smirking "One day I'm going to have a green jeep" he says proudly "Like sarge from cars?" I ask innocently and he shakes his head laughing.

"No, like an army car"

*Back to present day*

"Y/n?" a woman's voice calls out and I look up to see I respond with a quiet yeah before she introduces herself "I'm Macy, you look just like you do in the pictures Luke shows Ethan" she says with a wide smile on her face, but I grimace at the mention of Luke "Where is our old Luke anyway?" she asks and I just look to the ground not finding the strength to look the woman in the eyes "He didn't make it, I'm sorry Macy"

She doesn't say a word I can tell she's holding back tears as she ushers me to the car, we drive back in silence, not a word said between us because we know that neither of us can say anything in this moment to make the other feel better.

Well shit, here's another chapter I knew he was going to die but I didn't realise I was going to give him a family. When I planned this chapter y/n was going to be glad he died, but I guess not, and did y/n make that roof fall? Does she have a new power idk? As always leave thoughts ideas and all that jazz, and I'll see you later.

Wordcount: 1013

Later, Laur <3

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