Chapter 22: Holy Sh*t

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Since it's Halloween you're getting two chapters today, surprise.

I've been at Luke's house for a week now and I figure its time to go, I tried calling Trevor but he thought it was a prank call and hung up on me so I'm catching a very expensive uber back to the city.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay another night, it's no problem we love having you here" Macy says while 'helping' me load my stuff into the car, she didn't need to though because I only have one bag. "I wish I could, but I've got to get back. People don't know I'm out yet" I say as I watch Ethan burst out the front door Diedre trailing behind him "WAIT AUNTIE Y/N, DON'T LEAVE YET I HAVE SOMETHING FOR YOU!" Ethan screeches across the yard running at full speed, a piece of paper in hand.

He made it to Macy and I panting holding out the paper "Here, so you won't forget us" he says waiting for me to take it, "It's perfect" I say looking at the drawing and he nods proudly.

"Alright guys I've got to go, I'll call you when I make it back" I say hugging Ethan and getting into the car. "Ok, you'll have to come back soon. Christmas maybe?" Diedre says, god is it almost Christmas.

"Sounds like a plan" I say as I close the door and wave while the car takes off.


A couple hours later and I start to recognise my surroundings and we pull up at the garage, I thank my driver and head towards the gate. I open it and walk through to see Trevor working on my car? "You better not screw up her engine, she's delicate you know" I shout across the track, he stands up confused and looks over at me dropping the tool he was holding "HOLY SHIT" he yells, running over to me. He stands in front of me completely in awe, frozen for a moment before he grabs my arm and starts checking me over. "Y/n/n's it really you?" he asks quietly, and I nod, and he wraps me up in his arms his tears are staining my shirt "Fuck I've missed you" he whispers.

"If you fucked up my car while I was gone, you're a dead man" I say making him chuckle.

"She's in perfect condition, no ones driven her, only I've serviced her" he says patting my back and pointing to the car, god I've missed this. "Have you still got my stuff in the back room?" I ask.

"I haven't touched it" he says as we make our way over to lobby. I take this time to fully realise, I'm home. Like actually home. The lobby hasn't changed a bit, the side window is still broken from buenos failed attempt at breaking in, the cardboard trophy sat on the shelf behind the desk that Trev mad me when I lost my first race all those years ago. The paint is still the same shitty peeling grey that I told him to replace the day we moved in, the only thing that's different is the size of the house plant I bought when we moved in. I've missed this, it's no stark tower but it's home, and I don't plan on leaving again any time soon.

We made it to the back room and I'm looking through my half empty boxes and I swear I had more stored in here, "Is this its Trev?" I ask confused.

"Yup, you took the rest to the tower when you moved" he said, shit. Well, that makes sense, I guess. I'll have to head over there after I call Macy.


Trevor and I spent the next few hours catching up, we had a great deal of laughter, mostly from his stories, and a lot of tears, mostly from mine, and now I'm internally freaking out as I approach the tower.

I park my car outside and take a deep breath before entering the foyer via the doors. I walk through the doors, and people's eyes follow me, but I ignore them and continue on my way to the elevator, when I am stopped by a towering guy. "Only uniformed staff are authorised up stairs, Ma'am," he replies as I sigh and roll my eyes. "My name is y/n y/l/n, I am a friend of Stark's and a former Avenger," I add monotonely pinching my brow, I'm over everyone's shit, "Sorry you're not on the list," he says.

"OMG Y/N!" I hear a voice shout from behind me, and I turn to see bucky stood in the centre of the room bag dropped beside him, but his excitement isn't reciprocated. "Can you tell this moron I'm allowed in the tower" I say blankly.

"But you're supposed to be dead" Barnes says stunned before running to my side

"Look, I'm not here to talk, James, I just came to get my shit," I reply, trying not to look him in the eyes; he was one of my best friends and he abandoned me to die in Hydra's clutches, and I'm not going to shit rainbows because of him.

"Y/n it's me bucky your friend, is hydra in your head or something?" he jokes pressing a finger to my forehead.

"I'm sorry but are you gonna let me in or not, if not I'm leaving" I say still not meeting his eye, he gives up and goes to speak to security before leading me to the elevator. We spend the entire ride up in silence whilst James stands there like a kicked puppy.

Finally, the lift dings and we get out, I hear conversations halt Barnes still trailing behind as I try to B line towards my room but immediately get stopped by Natalia launching herself on me wrapping me in a tight hug. "You're alive" I hear her whisper as she kissed me but stops when I don't kiss her back.

Annddd Another chapter down, poor nat. As always leave thoughts etc I'll see you soon.

Wordcount: 1001

Later, Laur <3

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