Chapter 13: Quite The Sight

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Waking up in her arms is one of the best feelings. My head rested upon her chest, her gentle steady breathing telling me she is yet to wake, in this moment I couldn't care less about what the team would think or what anyone would think for that matter. I am at peace.


I lay with her for around half an hour just soaking in last night's events as the curtains we'd forgotten to close allowed the sun to shine through leaving a small stripe of golden light illuminating her face highlighting her lightly freckled cheeks and slightly furrowed eyebrows as she begins to stir. "Good morning gorgeous" I said making her smile while she began to wake. "Good morning moya Lyubov" she muttered her Russian accent faintly recognizable through her morning voice. She  shuffled closer and pushed her face further into my chest humming contently and I say "Come on, lets get breakfast" and she shakes her head and wraps her arms around my waist "Wanda's cooking this morning, I think she said she was making waffles" I said and she shook her head again before saying "I'm not hungry"  and her stomach rumbled but she still made no effort to get up, so I rolled out from under her and stood beside the bed reaching out with grabby hands waiting for her to stand up.

Once she got up, we headed to the bathroom after we got dressed, we brushed our teeth holding eye contact before chuckling to ourselves. She tied her hair up in a bun and I left mine down as we left our room and headed to the elevator.

We entered the kitchen, and all eyes were on us, except for peter who kept his focus on his toast, tony was stifling a laugh, Bucky and Wanda had a proud look on her face while Steve just looked embarrassed. "What's with the looks people?" Nat asked "well it just so happened El Capsicle and underoos' over here went to see how your date went and walked into quite the site, didn't you boys? You wanna tell 'em what you saw" Tony said proudly

"I- uh well, like tony said I wanted to see how your date went and ... I went to Nat's room with peter, he uh wanted to talk to you too and... Well, I don't want to say it, I think you get the idea" Steve said bashfully while trying not to make eye contact and failing terribly. "Bullshit" I said before whispering to Nat "we would of noticed if someone came in" and she nodded "We have it on the security cameras, not of your rooms of course but as you can see here" he says pointing to a screen he projected, that shows a smiling Steve and peter trailing behind him "This is the best part" stark says excitedly waving his finger at the video, as Steve opens the door and peter immediately covers his eyes and Steve stands there shell-shocked before closing the door and speedily heading for the elevator.

I stand there red in the face and frozen, as Bucky stands up to leave patting me on the back laughing, and Nat just goes to take a seat helping herself to Wanda's waffles. "I want that deleted Stark" I say chuckling embarrassedly, and Nat nods smirking to herself. What an ass.


The rest of the day was fairly uneventful, we trained a little, I worked on my powers with wanda although I don't think I need any more work, all I can do is produce fire and create clones and I have that down pat. Around lunch time I hung out with Nat and watched her filled out some paperwork, asking questions every now and then, but really we were just enjoying each other's company.

It's now the afternoon and the team are in the loungeroom watching old movies from Caps time and I was sat on Nat's lap only half paying attention to the television when fury exits the elevator. "Y/n Y/l/n, may I speak with you?" I nod and get up and Nat whines trying to reach for me, she grabs my shirt and pulls me in for a quick kiss before I quickly follow a disgruntled fury to the meeting room.

He takes a seat and motions for me to join him, and I sit immediately across from him. He pauses for a few seconds, probably mulling over his thoughts in his head, before eventually saying, "We've been looking into your background, particularly your family." He paused and before i had time to object and chastise him for digging into my past he continues.  "You say they perished in a fire, one that you caused, correct?" How could he come in here and bring up my personal history, blaming me for my parents' deaths? As if I didn't feel guilty already, and as much as i wanted to reprimand him for his blunt allegations i sat before him not saying a word just briefly nodding my head in agreement holding back angry tears, as he speaks again.

"I don't believe that to be true Ms Y/l/n." I was in shock, because I know with out a slither of a doubt that my powers caused my parents death. "You're wrong Nick, it was entirely my fault" I said ashamedly, to which he nodded and said "Well, in your mind what do you believe to had happened?" I was confused, what did he mean 'what did I believe' I was there, I killed my parents and I survived. He didn't say anything else, as if he was waiting for my side of the story, so I began. "Well, sir, I was young and, um, not quite in control of my powers at the time, and I had a nightmare and awoke to find the home on fire. My friend and I assumed the dream triggered my powers after the fire marshals stated the flames had originated in my room sometime before I woke up."

He nodded and took a moment before stating "Where you aware your brother Luke was involved with the mob?" he questions, and I shook my head, unable to believe that my big brother would have anything to do with people like that. "What does this have to do with my parents' death?" I ask irritably "Let's just say he did something unfavorable in the mobs' eyes and decided the best course of action was targeting his family" Fury said, and my heart stopped "We have reason to believe the fire was not a power caused incident but a targeted attack"

I then stood up and went out. I walked straight through the living room into the elevator and up to the roof garden, not wanting to hear anything else Fury had to say. It's not conceivable; I'm at a loss for what to do; I need Aspen. I need her to reassure me that everything is ok, that everything will be fine. I need her right now; I don't know what to do. I haven't spoken to Luke in years, my parents kicked him out when he joined a local gang, they tried to get him out of it, but he kept going back. A gang is one thing but the Mob that's a whole other kettle of fish. It's not possible.

Flashback Y/n is 9 & Luke is 16

It was a warm summers day and I was sitting on the front porch swing watching Luke and his 'boys' play soccer on the lawn. They take a break and he comes over to check on me, he hadn't come over in around an hour so I took this chance to speak up, "Lukey I don't like these new friends of yours, they say bad words. Can I please go inside?" I beg my older brother who brushes me off saying "You cant go inside y/n/n Mom and Dad said while they were away you had to stay in my sight, you know that" I sighed "I know Luke but they scare me" he frowns and drops down to my level "Believe me, they aren't scary when you get to know them, I trust them they wont hurt you. Do you wanna join for a round, I'll let you score all the goals" I nod timidly because as much as those older boys scared me I missed hanging out with my brother.

We played for around half an hour and the guys were getting fed up, not wanting to play with a little kid so one of the bigger boys ran by me and 'accidently' knocked my to the ground. I immediately burst into tears and Luke rushed to my side "You're ok y/n/n hop up brush yourself off" he said with a reassuring smile while the boys in the back were snickering, I tried to stand but my leg gave out under me.

I'd broken my ankle, my parents had to come home early from their trip and Luke was banned from playing with those boys again because they were 'bad news' according to Mom. That didn't stop him though, he continued to hang out with that group getting in trouble shop lifting and vandalizing properties, it was the day of his initiation into the gang that I believe we lost him. He began getting into more serious trouble and no matter how hard we tried we couldn't get him to stop so Mom and Dad told him he couldn't come by the house anymore and I hadn't spoken to him since.

Here's a new chapter, it's a bit of a mess its all over the place but its here, but we have more of y/n's backstory. As always leave your thoughts and suggestions, we should have a new chapter out soon.

Wordcount: 1,602

Later, <3

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