Chapter 29: It's Not Fair

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"What do you mean" you ask putting down your phone and turning to face Nat.

"You know what I mean." Her brows furrowed, she says, not glancing up from her book. She's not reading the words; she's just staring blankly at the page, doing everything she can to avoid looking at you, because she knows if she does, she'll be unable to stop herself from jumping into your arms and absorbing all the love you can possibly give her.

She will not allow this to happen. You hurt her. You agreed with everything she'd been told her entire life, that she didn't deserve anything, and it doesn't matter if you didn't mean what you said, because you said it, and it's too late.

"I really don't" you say looking at her, hoping to god she will look at you.

"Well, if you don't know then I'm not going to tell you, figure it out yourself y/n" she mutters getting up, and walking out. You're sat there in shock; you don't know if you should go after her or give her some space. You pick the latter, heading down to the lobby getting in your car and heading to the garage.

Little did you know that was exactly where Nat had gone. While you were with HYDRA, she and Trevor had gotten really close, she needed you but she couldn't have you so she settled on hearing stories from Trevor. Most of them were from races or when you were hammered but she didn't care, she took what she could get, and after a while Trev ran out of stories to tell and they spent the time she was there just talking. It didn't matter what about because when she was talking to him it was like you were never gone, he'd make little comments or jokes and she could swear he sounded just like you.

But now you're back, and as much as she wants you, she doesn't know if it's the same woman she fell in love with. So now she's here sitting across from Trev a fire pit between them, Nat is crying lightly as she tells him all that happened. He's furious, he was your friend first, but he got to know Nat and he doesn't know how you could treat her like that.

He gets up and sit's next to her wrapping an arm around her shoulder. "I love her so much Trev, it's not fair" She says through broken sobs, just loud enough for you to hear as you sneak through the gates.

"She made me so happy, and then she turns around and" She gets broken off by a heartbreaking cry before she continued, "How could she tell me that Trev, I look at her now and all I see is that blank stare she gave me that day in her room." She pauses again, and Trevor runs his hands through her hair, not saying anything just giving her time to let it all out. He knows she's never like this, and so do you and quite frankly you're both terrified. "She... she told me I was right to think I have no place in this world, how can she do that" she sobs out.

You couldn't stand by any longer, you walk out onto the tarmac catching both of their attention. Nat immediately stiffens and Trevor can't even look at you, she's so broken and you don't know what to do. You're just standing there; Nat averts her gaze to the ground.

"Nat" You say guiltily playing with your fingers, before adding "I'm sorry"

"Not good enough" she mutters getting up from beside Trevor and walking straight past you, out of the gate and to her car. Trevor stands shaking his head at you before leaving too. 

I know i said i was taking a break and i am, this chapter was sitting in my drafts and was pissing me off so here it is. 

Wordcount: 653

For Real This Time Later, Laur <3

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