Chapter three.

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She woke alone the next morning. Her head felt the clearest it had since she got shot, the pain in her shoulder more numb today.

Climbing out of bed she got dressed quickly, only slightly unsteady on her feet. Stepping into her boots she started to feel like herself again. She finished by putting her gun in the holster on her jeans and walked out for the room.

Outside was a corridor with 5 doors including her own. This must be all their rooms, she thought wondering which was his. She made her way down the corridor and into a big open room at the end. She gasped and realised this place was an old diner, the furniture all still here just now in disrepair. The walls had now been spray painted with the same style of art as her room and in the middle in large letters was written 'ART IS THE WEAPON'.

There was no one around so she walked over to the front door to find Party or Kobra. Once outside she spotted them both standing guns raised watching a trans am car come flying towards the diner at speed, two killjoys in the front their masks over their eyes. Behind the killjoys was a white car with dracs inside firing forward at the trans am.

Shit she thought as party noticed her and yelled at her to go back inside. Instinctively she grabbed her gun from it's holster and raised it pointing towards the BL/ind car, her shoulder burning with the movment but she couldnt back out from the fight. She wanted every drac to burn, to feel the same pain her friends had.

As soon as the trans am came to stop she stepped forward firing repeatedly towards the dracs getting the driver right between the eyes. The driver slumped over the wheel the car skidding sideways to a stop. The remaining dracs jumped from the car firing towards them all but with 5 killjoys against them, they didn't stand a chance quickly being wiped out.

Putting her gun back in its holster she looked back up and realised all the guys staring at her especially the two she hadn't met.

'She made it then, I didn't realise she was quite the asset' one said approaching her. He was shorter than the others, longish dark hair just past ear level and wearing a black sleeveless jacket with yellow sleeves underneath.

'I'm fun ghoul, a pleasure' He said while trying to grab her hand to plant a kiss there one of his eyebrows raised.

'Ghoul, leave it' party said shooting him a steering glance.

'Ah like that is it, OK ok ' ghoul said hands up stepping backwards.
Party stepped towards her his gun now holstered. 'This is ghoul and this is Jet star, the rest of our crew' He introduced them.

'Nice to meet you guys, but I think we may need to deal with that before we have any bonding sessions' she said with a half smile
'We need to move those dracs and get that car out of here before they track it and send back up.'

The killjoys all looked towards the car knowing this needed to be done now.

'Right Kobra, Jet get those dracs bodies in the back of the car,' party said his authority showing 'Ghoul go get me a grenade from the garage. I'll drive them back to zone 2 and blow this fucker up. We don't need any scarecrow finding us tonight'

'I'm coming' she said to him, she wanted to be involved and wasn't going to take no for an answer.

'You should stay here your not ready if we run into more dracs' Party said while stepping into the BL/ind car.

Yeah that wasn't going to work, he may be in charge of the others but not her. She walked upto the car and got in the passenger seat just staring him down defiantly the whole time.

'Fine,' He said shaking his head 'but if shit goes down I can't guarantee you'll be safe.'

'I'm done trying to be safe, we dont have time for this the longer we take the more we risk them being tracked.' she replied.

Party yelled instructions towards the others telling them to follow in the trans am so once the Dracs were on fire we could make a quick getaway. And with the plan made they set off.

No one wanted the scarecrow to track them down, dracs were one thing but scarecrow were much worse. Much harder to fight off and once your base was known you were a target until you moved on or died. They needed to be back before dark, that's when the scarecrow would hit if they found them. Everybody knew, Dr Death defying reminded then daily over the concealed radio waves. Move your body when the sunlight dies, everybody hide your body from the scarecrow. Everybody hide.

Party didn't speak for a while and she enjoyed the wind blowing in the open window, her hair fluttering with the breeze. It felt so good to be outside again, even in this dystopian hell of a desert. She closed her eyes enjoying the warmth of the sun, almost forgetting the hell of this week, the hell of this life since the great fires. The adrenaline was still buzzing through her from the short fight with the dracs and it made her feel alive again.

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