Chapter eight.

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Waking up she realised she must have cried herself to sleep. She was still sat on the diner chair and it was still dark out so she can't have been asleep for long. She wondered if the others managed to sleep at all, she couldn't hear any of them so assumed they were resting.

She got up stretching out her aching back, careful not to move her shoulder too much, she didn't want to pop the stitches again. Popping one of the painkillers in her mouth and swallowing, she walked around the big diner room, familiarising herself with her surroundings. She had been here four days and it was so alien to her still.

The paintings on the wall caught her eye again. They were painted comic book style, bright colours and characters depicting stories. She wondered how many were true and how many were just figments of imagination.

She traced her fingers over the words 'ART IS WEAPON' smiling. This is why the killjoys all wore bright colours or dyed their hair. Rising up against the rules set against that in battery city. Art and expression was their rebellion, their freedom of speech.

They often spray painted the walls whenever they broke into battery city, one to let BL/industries know they couldn't control their creativity and two to try and remind the residents there of colour and expression.

A loud bang came from the roof above her, she jumped back startled. Surely not, they couldn't have followed them back already, could they? She pulled her gun out if it's holster with her good hand, her aim wasn't as good with this one but it would have to do for now.

She walked around the large room looking for any hatch or entrance to the roof, she didn't want to have to go round from outside if she could avoid it. She was safer inside.

Next to the fridge she spotted a small alcove with ladder steps painted the same colours as the wall, clever concealment she thought. At the top of the ladder was a hatch, that must be the way up.

Readying herself with a deep breath she put her gun between her teeth, she could only use the one arm and she needed that for climbing. Once at the top she hooked one of her feet through a ladder rung to balance herself so she could push the hatch open. It was really heavy and took a few pushes, she was hoping it hadnt alerted anyone she was there but it was too late now she thought.

With one final push the hatch swung open and she found herself looking down the barrel of a yellow Raygun.

She looked up from the gun to who was behind it, instantly relieved to see the shock of red hair. She put her gun back in his holster now she knew it wasnt dracs or scarecrow.

Party was standing looking down at her with his yellow mask on, no expression on his face and still pointing the gun at her.

'So are you going to shoot me or not, either way I'd like to get off this ladder' she said sarcastically.

'I haven't decided yet,' He said never breaking eye contact. 'Since you arrived we have been attacked twice and my brothers been abducted by scarecrow'

Was he serious? she thought her anger rising, did he really think she has wanted all this to happen? She didn't even know they had a base here until they had brought her here themselves. She had lost the last three of her friends before even Kobra had been taken. She no longer felt sorry for herself, or blamed herself, all she felt felt was a rising anger for the sheer audacity of this man pointing a gun at her.

'Shoot me then Red if you think Ive caused this, do it! It wouldnt even be the worse thing thats happened to me this week.' She called his bluff, him still not moving an inch and not saying anymore.

She waited a few seconds to see if he would shoot or move. When he did neither she climbed up and out onto the roof making him step back, gun still raised.

Ignoring him she walked further onto the roof and leaned against one of the walls of where the generator was kept. Looking up at the stars glittering in the dark desert skies she thought If he was going to shoot at least she had a good view to go out with.

It really was beautiful out here. The sky stretched out endlessly, the bright moon casting a cool blueish glow on the normally orange desert. It was cold now, it always surprised her just how cold the desert was at night considering the daytime sun felt like burning radiation on her skin.

She heard the crunch of the gravel roof under his feet as he approached her, she expected to feel the gun up against the back of her head but instead felt his hand against her arm.

She turned startled and both his hands raised up, to hold both sides of her face. In a flash his lips were against hers kissing her hungrily, she could feel his warm tears against her skin. She wrapped her good arm around his neck and kissed him back grabbing his hair in her hand. They both lost themselves in the moment each needing some form of comfort.

One of his hands wrapped around her waist pulling her body in closer to his then he reached down lifting her from under her thighs so her legs were now wrapped around his waist, his body now pressed firmly between her legs sending a wave of lust through her.

Pushing her roughly against the wall she was just leaning on she gasped as a pain shot through her shoulder. He paused but before he could speak she pulled him back in, her lips finding his. Her shoulder was the last thing on her mind right now, all she could think about was him.

His body pressed heavily against her, moaning into her mouth, heat was exploding through her now. She didn't want this to ever end, she wanted more.

He pulled away slightly resting his forehead against hers, both of them panting for air.

Tears were still in his eyes.

'I'm sorry' He said in a whisper and kissed her gently before pulling away again. He lowered her back to her feet and she watched him walk away his head down.

He paused to glance back at her once before climbing down the hatch and out of sight.

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