Chapter nineteen.

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The drac lifted her up trying to drag her backwards, as soon as her feet hit the ground she ducked her head forward and lifted her gun straight up above her. Feeling it touch the dracs head she fired the gun, the arms holding her instantly going limp releasing her from it's grip.

Before it's body even hit the floor she was running forwards to catch up with the others. They had paused against the wall where the hallway ended. Diamond had been watching out the front, while Party's gaze had firmly been on her. She saw his eyes widen and his gun raise, without hesitation she turned, both guns raised and started firing again.

Between her and Party they dusted 10 more dracs. She had lost count of how many since they entered this hell hole. The walls seemed to be crawling with them like vermin.

'I think it's clear in front,' Diamond spoke breaking the silence. 'The trouble we will have is outside, they are all out there.'

'I'll go first, I'll cover the corners while you guys run, we will have to wing it outside and hope Ghoul and Jet have backup!' She said, she knew they must be fighting a good fight out there as she could still hear explosions being set off.

'You arm Neon' Party said starting to struggle under the weight of kobra.
She looked down at her shoulder to see her tshirt stained red again. In the struggle against the drac she had felt it tear, adrenaline numbing the pain for now. She knew It was bleeding bad again but she had no time to worry about that now. They needed to get out of here. Korse could be anywhere.

'Its fine, let's just focus on getting out of here alive, get ready to move' she said bracing herself. She raised both guns again and stepped forward, systematically shooting into every corner at the small amount of dracs that were firing outside through the windows. Good the distraction tactic had worked and the majority were now outside fighting. That gave them a chance.

They ran through the door, with her in front frantically pointing back to the rocks and dunes to the side of the garage. They needed to back to cover immediately, they hadn't been noticed yet by the dracs.

In front of them was more drac than she had ever seen in one place. Half of them now lifeless on the floor. Past them she could see Ghoul and Jet throwing Grenades and shooting frantically. What shocked her was all around them was killjoys, an array of ages and hair colours, all masked and fighting. So back up did arrive and way more than they could have hoped for. In any other circumstances it would have been a beautiful sight, so much colour, freedom and creativity on one massive group of people.

They ran for a rock, it was big enough to give then all enough cover until they could move forward. She ran in front again stopping to shoot dracs down the side of the garage, she could see a group of them gathering around the window they had used to enter. Party and Diamond where both shooting dracs now approaching from the other side.

With a final burst they made it behind the rock. Jet and Ghoul must have seen them get out as before they knew what happening the garage exploded sending dracs flying in all directions, hitting the floor like Ragdolls.

They ducked down low, covering their ears from the sound, their eardrums ringing. A second explosion erupted followed closely by a third and a chorus of cheering from killjoys.

Party stood first, keeping his body close to the rock he checked over the top to assess the damage and if it was safe to move.

He dropped down back to their level and started to pick up Kobra again.
'Let's move, the explosions have taken care of most the dracs, the other have what's left covered for now, you two OK?' He asked concerned looking between her and Diamond.

'Let's go' Diamond said ignoring the question and helping Party again with Kobra. She felt bad letting this new girl take the brunt of hauling him around but her sholder was starting to become more and more useless to her, the familar throb of pain now drilling through her body.

They moved swiftly amongst the dunes and rocks until they had reached the bottom of the hill where Ghoul and Jet were waiting for them. They were smiling at them, and took kobra from Party and Diamond.

'Never been so glad to see you guys!' Ghoul yelled excitedly 'we will get Kobra to the car come on the others have said they will cover us and take are of the last few remaining dracs'

She looked over and saw a couple of BL/ind cars fleeing the scene, she wondered if Korse was in one of them. The remains of the garage was absolute carnage. There was metal, glass and fire everywhere. Littered around was drac bodies, the killjoys out in the firing lone making easy work of any survivors. The smell of burning flesh and gasoline filled the air burning her nose and making her eyes water.

Party wrapped his arm around her as they all started trekking up Hill towards the trans am. Had they done it? Had this been the day they all survived.

'Everyone lives' she chuckled feeling a wave of almost hysteria bubble inside her. There had never been a battle before where everybody lived and it made tears sting her eyes.

Diamond stumbled, now weary, and party rushed to help her up.

That's when she stopped laughing.

A shock wave of pain went through her from the back of her shoulder as she felt a gun being pushed into her shoulder wound. It felt like hellfire itself, lightning bolts of pain shooting out around her body. Her back arched and a low gutteral scream escaped from her like a wounded animal.

Unseen hands pulled her hair backwards and she closed her eyes preparing for the gun to shoot her.

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