Chapter fourteen - Interlude

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She stood looking out at the desert, beautiful yet deadly, so many hidden dangers. How could something be so beautiful yet be full of the ghosts of those now gone, the battles lost, the lives struck down so young.

The sun was close to setting, the wind now whipping her hair to one side now dancing in the breeze. Everything was so red, dead, dry and hopeless. Endless miles of nothing but dust, rust and death.

In front of her was the mailbox shrine. It was a mail box from the old times, before better living industries created a hell on earth. Now it had been repurposed and decorated as an alter to the dead.

There was talk of the Pheonix witch amongst the killjoys, no one she knew had ever seen her though. Legend had it you could post letters or even killjoy masks and it would help guide the deads soul's to the afterlife.

Many a killjoy had trekked up here to post masks and letters to the dead, hoping to guide their loved ones from this hell to the next life. No one wanted to be stuck here, dead or alive. Not until things changed.

She didnt have her crews masks, she had been unconscious at the time. Last night however she felt ready to write each one a letter and in each one she thanked them for the service they did to the killjoys before getting more personal with antidotes of their short lives. She was hoping they could pass over safely. She had no idea if this even worked but judging by how full the mailbox was, she wasn't the only one who had found comfort in the thought of it all.

She gave each letter a small kiss before posting it into the drawer. All her hopes and good wishes sent forward to them. She hoped they could now be free. A single tear ran down her cheek. She hoped one day it wouldn't be her letter posted here.

She thought of destroya briefly. The now defunct robot hailed to bring the end of Better living industries reign over battery city. All she wanted now was her and her fiends to survive and live, live a full life full of hope, love and freedom.

She had heard tales of those who had found destroya, now lying lifeless in the sand its size huge and encompassing.

She heard the whispered stories of how Destroya was too large to be controlled by BL/ind and was now a wreck, its bottom half broken away just waiting in the sand to be reactivated and save them.

Waiting for the one, the one who held the secret to it all. The bomb to set off the new era of living.

They were just stories to her now though, her life nothing but endless carnage and death.

Except for him of course. He gave her a sliver of hope in this endless journey of fighting. Something to fight for, a future together and not death like all her friends. A future full of colour, fun and being yourself, no more suppression from the corporation. A future full of living.

Shivering she felt arms wrap around her, Party Poisons face rested against her neck as he stood behind her. She could feel his hair blowing in the gentle breeze tickling against her face. She closed her eyes and breathed in this moment. He was her safety, her comfort and not knowing how many moments like this they would have she relished every second.

After a while of neither of them moving she tuned to face him, once again placing her face against his, forehead to forehead, nose to nose. She wanted to be here forever. The quiet and peace, just the two of them close together.

She knew It couldn't last they needed to get to Dr Death Defying and request the call the other killjoys for backup for their rescue mission of Kobra. They had spent all day planning and needed help. Four against Korse and his entourage wasn't enough.

But for this moment she held off. What was a few more minutes, danger was ahead of them but now in this moment she felt nothing but safe. Loved. Free.

Never let them take the light behind your eyes.

Never fade In the dark, just remember you will always burn as bright.

She kissed him then, holding his face and crying yet again for the battles they faced and those yet to fight.

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