Chapter twelve.

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Party Poison POV.

Slamming his bedroom door behind him he growled into the empty room. Kicking the door and slamming his hands against it.

Fuck. He fucked it up again. Always fucking things up. That was his forte. Too much was going on at once for him to think straight. He didn't mean to treat her this way but he couldn't contain himself when he saw her.

It was so hard to put into words what he was feeling, and that came out as needing to hold her or ignore her completely before he said something stupid. Now Ghoul had seen them in the garage he wasnt going to hear the end of it. He hadn't wanted to stop, he wondered how she was feeling now. She responded to him both times now, and he missed her touch already, her smell of sunshine and leather.

He kicked the bed frame making it shake and sending a wave of pain through his foot. He needed to scream or shout or kiss her again. That took away the stress and the pain, he hadn't felt like this with any killjoy before and they had helped many in their time at the diner. No one had made him so comfortable yet crazy, his emotions all over the place.

Was it her or the situation? He thought back to those nights of sitting in silence just watching her sleep. There's was something about her, he felt it straight in the chest the first time he saw her lying in the desert, not knowing if she was alive or dead. He wanted to protect her.

He felt bad for pulling a gun on her, he wouldn't have hurt her, no matter what his words had said. If anything he would protect her unconditionally, he just didnt know how to tell her that. He didn't blame her for what happened, she was right they needed to dispose for the drac car. That night his emotions had just got the better of him, and every night they waited was another night Kobra could be facing torture alone.

It was eating him up inside feeling so helpless.

He sat on the bed and wept in hopelessness, frustration and confusion.


Still standing in the garage she composed herself. Enough was enough. This wasnt happening again. She was going to have it out with him right now.

No more blowing hot and cold, no more blaming her for Kobra and most importantly no more using her as his comfort toy when his emotions got the better of him. She was better than that.

Whether they became just friends or more than that it needed sorting, she wasn't going to stand for being used then ignored.

The anger was back again now. Walking back to the diner entrance in a haze she kicked the door open forcefully. Taking her frustration out on it.

'Not finished with loverboy are we?' Ghoul teased eating yet another can of power pup. Did he never stop.

'Fuck off Ghoul' she growled and he choked on his food in shock. Not daring to say anything else. She was done being nice.

She marched straight to Party's door, kicking it open in frustration. She was about to tell him exactly what she thought of him and his emotional games he was playing when she stopped suddenly. His head had snapped up to look at her when she kicked the door open, and he was crying. Not just crying but sobbing.


Her anger instantly melted away and once again she was left speechless, standing in front of this man. Why did he evoke such confusion in her. How did he make the anger disappear so quicky every time. He had been a dick and she wanted him to know that but how could she when he was sobbing.

He stood and walked over to her, tears streaking his face. She took a step backwards, he want going to grab her and distract her this time. She wanted to feel his lips against her again but in her terms. She wasn't a comfort blanket. This time they would talk. This made him pause, as if unsure how to approach her.

Then not knowing what she was doing she reached forward and punched him square on the jaw.
Fuck. Did she really just do that.

'Thats for being such a dickhead. No one plays with my emotions like that. Ever.' She said her breathing short and fast, adrenaline rushing through her. She could feel her own tears burning at her eyes now.

He fell backwards so he was now sitting on the floor in front of the bed. She heard a scurrying of footsteps behind her knowing either Ghoul or Jet had just witnessed that and she didn't care. No more fucking around.

She shouldn't have done it but fuck that felt good. He had done such a number on her the last 24 hours her inner strength took over, her emotional state now wrecked.

The last of her adrenaline seemed to have drained with the contact of the punch and she dropped down to her knees in the doorway.
She was suddenly overcome with tiredness yet again.

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