Chapter eighteen.

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In the morning, they all piled into the car with mixed emotions. The anticipation mixed with adrenaline was making them go from joking and singing to huge breaks of silence. Party was in the drivers seat again, her in the passenger seat and Jet and Ghoul were in the back.

They sped across the desert, a trail of dust behind them. The sun was rising higher now, the heat intensifying. Party was holding her hand again.

The desert was so empty, they had no way of knowing how many other killjoys would join them and when they would arrive until they reached their destination.

The plan was to have Ghoul and Jet out front, setting off explosives to draw out as many dracs and scarecrow as possible so she could Sneak round the back with Party. If they had enough backup it could work. They had all strapped extra guns to themselves today, the more weapons the better.

Arriving, they park the trans am on a hill overlooking the hideout. They want to remain undetected until the right moment.

They haul a bag out of the boot, full to the brim of explosives they all nod at each other before slowly making their way down, using the rocks and sands dunes to hide from view of the garage.

They stick close in pairs, her and Party, Ghoul and Jet, so they can support the other If anyone slips on the steep decline.

Finally reaching the bottom they set down the bag and prepare to begin the plan. So far they haven't spotted any other killjoys around, it's worrying but they would be hidden if they were there. If we could spot them so could Korse. They just had to trust in the plan now and hope.

'Ready guys?'  Party whispered 'Me and Neon are going to head round the back and try and find which room Kobras being held in. You two give us a little time then start throwing those grenades, remember to keep the front door clear so we can draw them out if it.'

'Let's do this!' Ghoul said and with that Party grabbed her hand and started to find a route to the back of the garage.

They kept low, their backs now to the garage wall. All was quiet round here everyone must be inside. The snuck peeks into the windows as the passed quickly finding the room ghoul was in. She could see him sat on the floor in one corner. He was moving but had blood coming from his hair and bruses over his face and neck. He was handcuffed and had a chain attached to his ankle. No dracs or scarecrow though which helped massively.

She dropped back down from the window to relay the information to Party. They were going to have to shoot the chains off to get them out the room. The window itself was small, only just big enough to get one person through at a time. This was going to be tricky trying to get back out, it would slow then down leaving people exposed.

They waited for the sound of the first grenade not knowing how long they had. Then with a massive boom, followed by two smaller explsions it had begun.

She took a second to place her hands on Party's face and give him a kiss.
'I love you, let's do this' if there was ever a time for her to say it now seemed apt, she may not get another chance. His face softened at her words for a second, and then with one more kiss they made made their move.

Party lifted her up high from behind and she kicked the window through with both her feet, most of the frame and glass now shattering on the floor. She hoped the explosions were concealing some of the noise.

Lifting her again quickly she slid through the now open window her boots landing with a crunch on the broken glass. Party came through next landing beside her.

They came face to face with a girl with bright yellow hair, her face one of shock, her mouth wide open. She wasn't scarecrow, she could tell. The bright coloured hair was a dead giveaway of a killjoy alongside the bruises scattered across her skin. She was as captive as Kobra.

'Shhh!' She whispered to the girl putting her fingers to her mouth 'we need to move now'
She ran to the door crouching down low and tried to listen if anyone was outside by placing her ear to the door. She could hear footsteps running past and guns being fired. They didnt have much time.

She looked over at Party who was trying to check Kobra over.

'Hes OK but drugged up massively. We are going to have to carry him' He said and turned to the new girl. 'What's your name? Your going to have to help me carry him if you can?'
'Names Diamond, I'll help but your going to have to get these fucking chains off me and him.' She said holding her hands forward. Her wrists were facing up and she had deep cuts where the cuffs were resting. They were obviously on too tight and had been working their way into her skin.

Another explsion echoed through the garage from outside making them all drop low to the ground again. Party instinctively moving closer to her side.

'I'll take Kobra, you sort her cuffs.' Party said to her before turning to Diamond 'We are going to have to shoot them, so keep still and don't scream. Right after 3 we shoot together Neon understand. Hands then the chain. Ready? 1...2..3'

In sync they both shot between the sets of handcuffs followed by the chains attached to Diamond and Kobras legs.

'Window!' She yelled but when she turned to look she saw a drac watching her through it. Pulling her gun from it's holster quickly she shot him, only for another to pop up. She shot him too and grabbed her other gun pointing them both towards the window as dracs kept popping up.

'Diamond help me get him up! We are going to have to go through the front!' Party called out. She didn't turn and just kept shooting the dracs not giving then time to fire their own weapons at her.

'I'll cover you behind! Get moving!' She yelled. Dread setting I'm again now, going through the main building was too risky, it wasn't big but that was a lot of space they could be surrounded and shot at.

Party and Diamond had Kobra up off the floor, supporting him between them putting their bodies under each shoulder. Diamond and Party both had a gun in one hand ready to shoot, after party had handed over his spare.

She backed up slowly, still shooting at the window until she was back to back with party. She would need to feel his movements to know when to move out the door with them.

Another grenade explosion rang through and Party used this moment to kick the door outwards sending 3 dracs flying. Time to move out.

She kept shooting then dropped low and spun around facing the door, running through behind party and Diamond. About to turn to cover from the back she felt a hand wrap around her waist pulling her backwards.

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