Chapter fifteen.

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They had spent all day planning out how they were going to rescue Kobra. Jet had added a few new stitches yet again to her shoulder before she joined and helped finalise the plan.
It was set, but they needed help.

That's why she was currently on the road with Party Poison, heading to see Dr Death Defying himself. Everyday they heard his words over the radio, giving traffic updates, warning of incoming patrols and announcing the deaths of killjoys killed in action. Party knew him well but she had only met him once when she became a killjoy, authority figures were not her thing.

Thr breeze felt amazing as they drove along, it made her feel alive. Like they was just out having fun and no deeper motives, no worries or stress. She looked over at him, he was wearing these strange goggles to stop the dust getting in his eyes and a blue bandana with white stars wrapped round his neck to pull up when the dust got too heavy. He had a dark purple bruise appearing in his jawline from where she punched him.

She half felt bad, but the other half knew it was sheer frustration out of being treated that way that led to it. Back before better living industries took over she would never have dreamed of hitting someone, but these days a punch was nothing compared to the violence they saw daily. She wouldn't do it again though.

He really did look good though, she thought, powerful, young and handsome. Almost the perfect poster boy of what a killjoy should be. She knew there was so much more below his exterior though and that just made her warm to him more. He smiled and reached over to stroke her cheek with a smile briefly before needing to change gear.

After they had been driving for an hour he pulled over to the side of the road, concealing them behind a large sand dune to be safe. They were about thirty minutes away from Dr D's place now.

'What's going on, we have a while to go yet?' She asked as he lifted the handbrake up.

'I just needed a few minutes, I thought we could just.... I dunno maybe just sit for a bit before we get there. Once we tell Dr D it's set in motion no turning back. We can steal a few mins of calm before that cant we?'

They hadnt long stopped off at the pheonix witches mail box but she was in no rush. The plan was risky no matter how simple. She was still injured and Korse had got the better of them last time.
'Look don't hit me again but I need to get this off my chest before we go through with this. ' He said turning towards her with a smile and removing the goggles. 'I think im in love with you. There was something since we first put you in the car when you had been shot, and that's grown over the days. I fought it for a while i know things haven't exactly been a classic love story here but I know I never want to lose you. I'm shit scared of this battle coming up because what if I lose you? We could save Kobra but what if I lose you along the way? Or worse both you and Kobra? '

'Love?' She said incredulous at his words 'you fucking love me?'

'Unfortunately' He said laughing 'I mean I'm not planning on making it a habit with people who hit me or anything' He teased.

Fuck. Love was a heavy word. She had so many feelings for him, but she was also conflicted. His behaviour had seriously messed with her head and she had only known him mere days now. She wanted to explore this with him, heart and soul, but love?

'I'm not quite there yet,' she said quietly worried at his reaction.
'I want to be honest with you and I can't deny my feeling but love? I'm sorry I'm just not ready to say it. I think I will but.....' She trailed off seeing his hurt expression. It was like a dagger to the heart. She wasn't trying to hurt him at all, the rational side of her brain however was firmly in charge.

'I see.' He said curtly, hurt radiating off of him.

'Party.....' She started before he interrupted her to say

'No its fine. I get it. I'm a screw up, a fucking weirdo with emotions I can't control. Who would love me?'

'Its not like that party, I want to give you the world I really do, its just I've not even known you a week. I respect you too much to lie to you' she told him being brutally honest. He deserved honesty. She wanted to love him so bad, this broken man in front of her, but she refused to rush her feelings.

He went to start the car again and she quickly lent across him holding her hand over his to stop him. She may not be able to say I love you yet but she could show him how much she did feel about him.

She tried to climb across towards him, hitting her head on the roof. 'For fuck sake that was meant to be more graceful than that' she said before climbing onto his lap laughing, her legs either side of him. He laughed too and placed his hands on her hips, squeezing lightly. Wrapping her hand behind his neck she kissed him. A long deep kiss hoping to convey her feelings.

It worked a little too well and they were soon getting more heated, she grabbed the back of his flame red hair making him moan into her mouth, she smiled against his lips. His hands were running up her back, under her shirt. She decided she was in charge this time biting his bottom lip. He groaned again pulling her hips into him harder.

She reached down unbuttoning his jeans and trying to slide them down. He responded by sliding her jeans down, not easy in this cramped space, but never breaking their kiss.

She lowered herself down onto him, arching her back in pleasure, a gasp escaping from her at the feeling of him inside her. This was what they had been craving from each other. She pulled down on his hair making him lift his chin, then started kissing and biting his neck. She could feel the vibrations of pleasure rolling through his body.

Grinding her hips into him, her lips found his again, his tongue searching for hers. Keeping the same rhythm with her hips she could feel he was close. Gasping for breath she leaned back and he pressed his head into he chest as they both shook together in climax. She moved in to give him one more kiss before just holding his head against her until their breathing returned to normal.

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