Chapter six.

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Wincing, she opened her eyes. She could see double of everything. It took a second for it to come back to her what had just happened.

Panicking she tuned to Party Poison he was still out cold. She held a finger to his neck to check for a pulse, it was still strong she realised sighing with relief. She looked down and saw his blood was on her hand, as red as his hair. This cant be happening she thought.

Ghoul and Jet star were starting to wake up too, both holding their heads and groaning.

'What the fuck just happened?' Ghoul asked confused before looking round at her.

'Ghoul we need to get out of here before they come back. They took Kobra I tired to hold on to him but...but they got him.' Tears were quietly rolling down her face as she spoke.

She didn't want to leave Kobra behind but they needed to regroup if they wanted to rescue him. They were in no condition right now. Party was still unconscious, they all had injuries and who knew if the trans am would even drive after the crash.

'Is Party?' Jet star asked nodding towards an unconscious Party Poison, not wanting to finish the question.

'He has a pulse, but he's hit his head pretty bad.' She replied looking over at Party again. Even with the blood he looked peaceful in a strange way.

'Right Ghoul get this car started, we head back to the diner and get ourselves fixed up. We are going to need a plan. For now though we need to run before they change their minds and come back after us' Jet told Ghoul with authority

'But Kobra, we can't just leave him, they could be doing anything to him right now! What if they give him the pills! Party is going to kill us if we drive off without him'
Ghoul pleaded.

She hoped they didn't give him the pills. They were given to every resident of battery city to sedate and erase emotions. Those pills turned normal people into living zombies. They crushed creativity and free thought, a living prison inside your own mind.

'No, we will deal with Party when we get back. If we rush in now we will all be dead look at us. They have taken him to draw us back in if they wanted Kobra dead they would have shot him In the car. They would have shot us all. This is too suspicious to rush into they coukd have anything planned. Now drive!' Jet yelled this time.

Ghoul sighed he wasn't going to win this one. He managed to get the car started, it was spluttering and making noises but it started. They set off slower than before not knowing how far the car would make it before finally dying after it ordeal. It was fully dark now though so they had no other option than to keep going and hope they didn't run into any other patrols.

Ghoul kept watching her through the rear view mirror, she could tell he was seething at her suggestion to run. She didn't want to leave Kobra behind but what else could they do right now?

She shifted over in the back seat to where Kobra was once sitting and pulled Party over to her so he was now lying across the seat, his head in her lap. She brushed the red hair from his face and gently removed any glass that was there. She wanted him to wake up but she knew he was going to go crazy when he did about them leaving Kobra behind.

They drove on in silence through zone 4 and 5 having to stop a couple of times to try and restart the dying trans am. The night sky was so clear you could see every star for miles illuminated by the bright full moon. Such beauty in this desert, it was such a conflict with all the war that raged here.

Once again the engine spluttered to a standstill.

'Right just like last time, you two cover me while I look at the engine. We are not far now it's going to make it if I have to duct tape the parts together' Ghoul said climbing out of the car.

She went back to back with Jet both keeping their guns raised scanning around them in the darkness searching out for any danger until Ghoul had finished.

'Let's hope that worked I don't know if it will be fixable next time, now let's get out of here the desert give me the creeps at night' Ghoul shuddered and walked back to the drivers seat.

As she went to get in the back she realised Party was sitting up awake his head in his hands. He looked over when she closed the door confused
'Where's Kobra? Where are we and what the fuck happened?' He asked her frowning.

She exchanged a look with Jet and Ghoul. Who was going to tell him?

'Get us out of here guys I'll explain on the on the journey' she told them quietly.

Party sat quietly and listened to her explain how they had crashed and Korse taking Kobra. Their decision to leave. He was seething, clenching his jaw the whole time.

'And you three just left him! Go back now! He's my brother for fucks sake!' He yelled slamming his hands into the back of the drivers seat making Ghoul wince. She stared at the bloody handprint he left on the seat in front of him not quite knowing what to say.

'The car won't make it back without serious repairs man, we will get him back. If they wanted any of us dead we would be dead already. We will plan and get it back I promise. We didnt have a choice' Jet said leaning over the seat towards Party.

Party just grunted a response and crossed his arms in frustration and anger. She didn't realise they were brothers, she saw it now with their similar features.

She felt helpless to him and reached across to put her hand on his arm. He glared at her in silence and shrugged her off. She felt a failure to yet another group of killjoys, this whole plan had been her idea from driving the BL/ind car out to zone 2 and then leaving without getting Kobra back.

She decided she would help with the rescue then leave before she caused any more damage to their lives.

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