Chapter sixteen.

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They were back on the road again, Party Poison had his hand in hers now as they drive the short distance to where Dr Death Defying resided.

Pulling up outside, she didn't think much of this place it looked even more run down than the diner. A wooden building hastily fixed up in places, boards over the windows. Two motorbikes out front.

On the outside of the building was a veranda, with Dr Death Defying sat in a wheelchair. He was wearing a black leather jacket, fingerless gloves, aviators and a bandana over his long hair. He had a heavy beard and mustache that reminded her of the bikers she used to see around the city before the wars.

Party had mentioned how Dr D had lost his legs in the analogue wars that had tried to bring down Better living industries, but no one knew exactly how as Dr D didn't like to speak of it.

'Party Poison, my old friend, my favourite killjoy, what brings you here to my humble home?' Dr D called over with a genuine smile.

'Hey Dr D, how you been old man?' Party said with a laugh walking over to him

'Now now enough of that kid, or I'll take away your favorite status.' He was laughing the nodded over to her as she climbed from the car. 'Who's your girl?'

'Thats Neon D, we saved her from some injuries a week ago and she's stuck around to help out' as party spoke he turned to smile and beckon her closer.

She sighed and started walking towards them. She had been hoping Party would have sorted this himself, she wasn't an overly social person and someone with Dr Death defyings status made her nervous.

As she got closer Dr death defying looked at her quizzically. 'I know you, I thought you had been dusted by that big drac patrol, guess my friends here fixed you up good'

'Still healing but I owe them big time' she said rubbing her shoulder absent mindedly.

'So what do you need from me?' Dr D asked turning his attention back to Party, his tone serious now and his smile gone.

The two men sat talking for a while as Party explained what had happened to Kobra, about the hideout they had found and the plan to rescue him. He listened intently the whole time and nodded in agreement at the plan.

'Of course Party, I'll be more than happy to assist. I'll send a broadcast out and round up some killjoys for you. This is the second instant of a hideout I've heard and you are going to need to be careful. A crew lost their girl Diamond to a hideout and they ended up dusted.'

'Thanks D, there's something going in with these hideouts but who knows with them. We better be getting back we only have two days to get all our weapons and supplies in order.'

Dr Death defying nodded then turned to her.
'Look after him, he needs it more then he realises'

It was her turn to nod. 'I will, with everything I have.'

'Remember you two,
Keep your boots tight,
Keep your gun close,
And die with your mask on if you've got to.'

Those words always hit home. It was a regular reminder from Dr D's broadcasts but it always struck her, reminded her of the constant danger they faced.

They both climbed back In the car and with a small wave from Dr death defying they were in the road again. This was it, the plan was set in motion now.

They heard the radio crackle into action.

"Look alive, sunshine! 109 in the sky, but the pigs won't quit, you're here with me, Dr. Death Defying.
I'll be your surgeon, your proctor, your helicopter. Pumping out the slaughtermatic sounds to keep you alive, a system failure for the masses, antimatter for the master plan, louder than God's revolver and twice as shiny!
This one's for all you rock 'n rollers, all you crash queens and motor babies, listen up!
The future is bulletproof!
The aftermath is secondary!
It's time to do it now and do it loud!
Killjoys make some noise!"

That was his callout to the killjoys to report to him ASAP for a mission. He operated on concealed radio waves but you could never be too careful so he never mentioned details of missions on broadcasts.

Only killjoys had the radios that could receive the broadcasts but with these hideouts appearing they needed to be extra careful. That's why they went in person for detailed talks.

'I'll radio through to Dr D later tonight and get an update' Party Poison said to her.

She nodded, she was tired now so she rested her head against his shoulder and closed her eyes. She was always tired now, until they defeated Better living industries she didn't think she would ever be rested. Always running, always fighting, it was a hard life now.

'I do love you Neon' Party Poison said quietly thinking she was asleep. She kept her eyes closed, her breathing steady pretending she was asleep. She wasn't ready to go over this again just yet.

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