Chapter seventeen.

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Arriving back at the diner, they both just sat still for a moment. The sun was setting now, different shade of red and orange bursting across the skies.

There never seemed to be clouds anymore she thought. A pair of blackbirds flew across the sky and off into the horizon. If this plan didn't go well they may only have one more sunset to watch.

Considering the danger night time brought them, sunsets were her favorite time. To just sit and watch the colours explode, the overbearing heat from the sun start to cool and peace to fall.

'Do you think he's OK' Party asked breaking the silence.

'I really hope so, not long now until we get him back." She replied resting her head on his shoulder again. He adjusted his self so he could wrap his arm around her.

'Do you think we will make it? It's one thing breaking into battery city but this is walking into an open trap.' He asked resting his head on top of hers

'Do we have a choice?' She replied.

They were killjoys, this is what they did. Running head first into danger prepared to die to save people and rise up against the corporation that was Better living industries. This time it was personal too.

The mood in the diner was very sombre that night. They all ate together and finalised their plans. The weight of the incoming battle layed heavy on them all. One more day of preparation and then it was show time.

They wanted to move in on the hideout tomorrow but they needed time to gather backup. Party had spoke to Dr Death and confirmed a small amount of killjoys had made it to him. They had been hoping for more but the amount of killjoys had been dwindling lately. That or they had all gone into hiding, scarred and weary from the endless battles.

The dreams returned to her that night. She saw the faces of all of her friends, one by one dying in front of her. She dreamed of Kobra, her worries manifesting her dreams and the torture he could be enduring.

At some point the dreams changed to her and Party poison, she saw him being shot in front of her reaching out his hand for help. She woke in a cold sweat and wrapped herself around the man next to her reassuring herself he was still alive. It all felt so real. He held her and reassured her all night when the dreams returned over and over again.

The next morning everyone moved slowly, in no rush for what could be their last day to end.

Ghoul checked back over the trans am, making sure it was full of fuel and ready for the journey back to zone two.

Jet made a map and then added some strapping to her shoulder. He told her she was going to need that to support her to shoot as she was still not back at full heath.
Battles don't wait though.

Dr Death and radioed through again and now had more killjoys ready to join the battle. They would leave at dawn, the same time as them hoping to all arrive together.

This was it.
Tomorrow it begins.

It wasn't long before everyone went to bed. The day they hoped would be the longest had flown by in the blink of an eye.

Instead of heading to bed she climbed the ladder to the roof. Party had asked her to join him up there tonight. Walking across the flat gravel roof she saw him sat near the edge. Beneath him was a pile of blankets and pillows from their beds.

'I thought we could spend the night under the stars, you know in case we don't get another chance' He said as she approached him.

He was as optimistic as her then. They were both jaded from previous battles, knowing how quickly things can go wrong and death can take you.

He pulled her down onto the blankets and into his arms.

'If I don't make it, remember me' he stated quietly before kissing her deeply.

There was no heat in this kiss, she could feel the sadness and despair radiating off him. She kissed him back eagerly, laying back down into the soft fabric underneath them. They kissed each other desperately not wanting this to end, she was no longer able to tell the difference between tears and sweat. They fucked each other, giving their all like it was their last night on earth and wanting to feel every single sensation they could give each other. Breathless they held each other staring at the stars above, both no longer being able to fight sleep.
Mentally and physically exhausted they slept.

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