chap 16

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      Vishal carried drunken Swathi into their room. She refused to get on the bed. She wanted to be in his arms.

" let me close the door Swathi " Vishal pleaded her.

" yeah yeah place me on the bed soon and close the door, only then we can kiss " She said like a baby. He smiled at her antics.

He placed her on the bed and went to close the door. She patted her bed and asked him to sit beside her. He went and sat beside her.

She looped her hand around his hand and laid on his shoulder.

" Do you know I like you " She said looking at him.

" Really.... then its a great progress " he said grinning.

" I have been used by someone else.... why do you still want to be with me " she asked him with tears in her eyes.

He cupped her face and wiped the tears with his fingers.

" You are the strongest women I have ever seen in my life.  Anything doesn't matter other than that . I admire you more than anyone in my life Swathi. So don't think of anything else " he told his thoughts to her.

" Really " she asked like a baby

" ofcourse baby " he said kissing her forehead.

" not there ... kiss me here " she said pointing towards her lips.

" Not now I will kiss you tomorrow " he told her.

" nope I want my kiss now " she said climbing on his lap.

" I will kiss you only if you sleep "

" Promise " she asked him

" Pakka promise "

" ok then I'm sleeping " she said Closing her eyes laying on his chest. He smiled at her.

He slept on the bed with her on him. He stroked her hair with smile on his face.

" I love you so much. I can't lose you again " he said kissing her forehead.

The next morning when Swathi woke she saw how she was hugging Vishal like her life dependent on him.

" Good morning " he greeted her in his sleepy state. His voice spread tingles on her  but she doesn't want to catch any feelings for him.

She was about to entangle herself away from him but he caught her by her waist and made her lay on him.

" let me go Vishal " Swathi said irritated

" not even in your dream " he said  kissing her forehead.  Though he want to talk about yesterday he doesn't want to embarras her.

" You " she shouted as he ran into the bathroom.  Swathi touched her forehead where he kissed her as a small smile formed on her lips without her knowledge.

After freshening up she went downstairs where everyone were sitting around the dining table. She could feel in her guts she did something stupid yesterday from everyone's look.

" Swathi " Vishak called her

" yes mama " she responded.

" From onwards I will keep in my mind that I should close my door before kissing my wife " That's it everyone broke into fits of laughter. Swathi covered her face with her hands.

" stop teasing my wife Anna " Vishal chided.

"  Did I blurt out about Ma and pa " she asked in confusion still hiding her face.

" what "  Janaki and Kowshik shouted together . Thats when she opened her eyes and understood she just spilled the beans.

" I'm sorry... that wasn't intentional it was just... " she hided her face in the table.

" Not only this even you told about Rithik " Vishak said making her look at him in horror.

" They are going to kill me today " she said looking at Nithya ....

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