chap 40

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    Ashwin left his wife and daughter with Janaki so that he can help Swathi to find Nithya without any worry. So the others decided to visit Dev's home in order to gain some information regarding Nithya.

Ashwin looked at the home that his younger brother was staying.  Once upon a time they couldn't stay without eachother now they cannot  stay with eachother.

Swathi rang the bell but no one was opening the door.

" Do you know this is his home " Rithik asked.

" yes. I  came here along with Appa. So no worries " she said ringing the bell again.

Dev opened the door. He narrowed his eyes and shook his head to get a clear view of the people infront of him.

" what do you want Swathi " he asked her.

" Are you feeling not well Dev " Ashwin asked Dev who looked sick.

" Im all good. Now leave . If you need something come back tomorrow " he said closing the door.

" don't you feel something fishy Swathi Akka " Nithin asked his sister.

" come with me I will take you into the home through another way " she said taking them to the other side of the house.

" how will we get through this " Rithik asked Swathi to which she shushed him. She opened the window lock with a coin.

" How do you know this way " Nithin asked her.

" on analyzing how my Akka got into this house " she said entering inside while others followed her.

Dev was groaning . He tried to hold the cup of water but it slipped out of his hands.

" Dev..." Ashwin said shocked. Ashwin moved towards him.

" I... I asked you to... leave na" he asked slurred. Ashwin sniffed him but he wasn't drunk. Something was wrong.

" you promised us a happy family then why did you fall out of love " Dev asked Ashwin clutching his collar.

" Do you know she cried to sleep those days... It was very hard for her. I hate you because you made her go through everything. If you were angry you should have punished me.... not her " he said with tears in his eyes. He wasn't in his right sense.

" fine leave it... what's wrong with you " Ashwin asked him.

" noth.... nothing " he said laying his head on his brother's shoulder. He  noticed Swathi there.

" you know... I'm glad it was you ..... it was you who got.... faced everything..." Dev slurred. Ashwin holded him straight and made him sit on the sofa.

" what.... what do you mean by that Dev " Swathi asked after coming out of the initial shock.

" Oh come on what's the noise out here " Ishu came inside but looking at Dev she put her bag aside and sat beside him.

" Idiot .. I told you to take the tablet right of my cabin " she asked him holding his face. Dev smiled at her.

" I took it from the right side " he told her.

" Donkey.... just sleep so that the effect might wear off " she said hitting him.

" I dont want to sleep . I want to be with my Anna" he said hugging Aswin which he reciprocated.

" fine then close your eyes and sleep right now or else I'm asking your Anna to leave " she threatened him to which he closed his eyes and slept like a baby.

" What's wrong with him " Ashwin asked Ishu.

" His body can't with stand small amount of drug even in the medicines " she answered him.

" Is it..." Swathi began.

" yes.... it was because of the overdosage " she said looking at Dev....

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