chap 47

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    Swathi invited Ashwin to their home. She wanted to know everything that they hid away from her.  She wasn't angry òn Nithya she just wanted her answers.

Nithya was suspicious regarding Swathi's behavior but she stayed quiet.

" Sir I know I was pregnant and I want to know how did you guys hide it from me " she asked him breaking the silence.

" Oh you were pregnant... I never knew " Ashwin acted as if he did not understand her words.

" No need to act sir everyone heard your conversation with Akka . I just want to know what happened that's it " she said to him.

" Swathi.... " Nithya tried to talk.

" Its okay Nini she has the rights to know everything " Ashwin told her.

" I use to buy everything necessary things and grocery for your sister every time.  So when you started staying with her I had buy everything double.  So that day too I brought everything and when she cross checked everything I had brought extra sanitary napkins .

Your sister scolded me for buying something unnecessarily.  So I told her since you are staying with her she needed extra. That's Nini realized you never had your periods.  Everyone were in their own sorrow that they forgot to realize what your body was going through.

  We didn't want anyone to fret over things so I told Nini to do blood test on you in the name of drug   in your system. So when we tested the reports came as positive but the foetus was already dead so .... we decided to conceal everything as if such thing has never happened  " Ashwin everything that happened in short.

"  she even shared about my periods with you " Swathi gasped making everyone look at her. Ashwin facepamed himself.

" No I did not... he knew about mine and he knew as a girl you  too would need it " Nithya said smiling a bit. She could understand now what Ashwin meant by Swathi is stronger than you think.

" why was Nithya forced to marry me " Vishak asked the question which was nagging him since he heard their conversation.

" I'm not sure.... all he asked me was to make Nithya accept this marriage and you would take care of her eventually you would make her fall for your charms . So I had to do it " Ashwin said shrugging.

" what did he blackmail you with " Hari asked angrily.

" appa .... " Nithya hesitated

" enough of trying to hide everything away from us Nithya ... tell me right now " Hari raised his voice.

" He did not blackmail me appa.. he just stated the fact and I just accepted the reality " Nithya said twisting her words.

" okay..... So may I know whats the fact is... I know I'm not your biological father but atleast I tried to be your father figure " Hari said defeatedly.

" Appa  you are my role model..don't ever talk such nonsense.... I wasn't ready get into a relationship after my break up with Ashwin  so he told me either I have to marry Vishak or Ashwin.  If I want to marry Ashwin then he said he would make sure to erase the very existence of Kavya and Nithya . If I choose Vishak then  he won't touch Ashwin's family.  But after thinking a lot I decided to marry Vishak .... " Nithya said to her Appa.

" why  did you break up with Ashwin " Hari asked her.

" We fell out of love " Nithya said quietly.

" Just because you say a lie thousand times it won't be converted into truth  " Hari said to Nithya. Nithya eyed Ashwin who was standing there quietly.

" It's just personal dad... I  don't want to talk about it " Nithya said controlling her emotions.  Before Hari could ask something Vishak holded his hands to stop him from asking further questions.

" do your brother know me " Vishak asked Nithya.

" I'm not sure... but I have my own doubts regarding that "Nithya told out her doubts.

A stranger entered the home along with Kavya and few other people.....

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