chap 18

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      As Swathi entered the house after a tiring day she could feel the tension around her. She saw her akka along with her maama standing on the otherside . Her sister was clutching her mama's  hand in a tight grip. Swathi could understand something is happening here.

     On the other side she saw her husband standing there with a dull look. While there was a girl sitting along with a couple who seems like her parents.  She was sobbing badly hugging Swathi's MIL.

" what's wrong " Swathi asked her MIL 

" She... she was ...raped and now she is pregnant.  "  Janaki said shuttering.

Nithya glanced at Swathi who was looking at the girl intently.

" She is lying " Swathi said nonchalantly.  Everyone looked at Swathi shocked.

" Akka we came here to find solace in you. But see your Daughter in law is poking in our wounds. Atleast ask her not to kill us with her words "  the girl's mother said to Janaki.

" Swathi don't speak like this "  Janaki scolded Swathi

" Maa I'm just stating the truth " Swathi told her.

" what truth...huh... do you know  how does it feel when you get raped. No na..  I know the feeling... I have experienced it " the girl yelled at Swathi .

Swathi stayed silent . She pulled out a chair and placed it infront of the girl and sat on it. Everyone were looking at her. Nithya just hugged Vishak tightly hiding her face. Vishak couldn't understand Nithya's actions but still he hugged her soothing her back.

" Okay... so you want me to explain it to you how does it feel. Fine I will tell you..... It feels like someone is burning you alive but still you doesn't know what's happening with you nor you know how to stop it. You doesn't even have any idea how you made it alive out of the hell hole." Swathi said without any emotion

" That doesn't mean you know what I'm feeling " the girl yelled back.

" Yes I don't know your feeling because you aren't a rape victim but I am " Swathi told her calmly. Everyone were shocked to hear that. Vishak tightened his hold on Nithya hearing Swathi's words. He looked at his brother who still had no change of emotions other than admiration on his face.

" I know you aren't raped because face clearly shows you are lying.  If such thing has happened to you then you wouldn't stay quite.  You there will be reactions of the victims first they kill themselves because of the society.  Second they try to overcome everything and become strong. They wouldn't be crying like you .

    If still you aren't accepting the truth then I will have to give you third degree treatment which we give in our police station " Swathi said narrowing her eyes at her.

" I'm saying the truth " The girl said again. Swathi slapped her hard . Everyone stood shocked.

" okay now tell me what's the truth " Swathi asked her again.

" He refused to marry me . So I made these false allegations on him. " she said lowering her face.

" So now everyone know what's the truth right . I'm very tired so I'm going to sleep. Good night " Swathi said leaving from the place.

Nithya moved her face from Vishak and looked at Swathi who was going towards her room....


Hi guys this is the main twist  in this story. Now our story is gonna face many twists and turns.

So far how is the story....

So guys I'm thinking of giving a separate story for Swathi. Whats your opinion plz tell it guys. So that I can move on the story further..

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