chap 25

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        Nithya  woke up after resting for few hours. She heard her Appa's voice. So she went down to check out. She smiled happily seeing but she sensed her father was angry.  It was just her and her MIL at home.

" what is this Nithya " her Appa asked her angrily showing  her few pictures in which she was hugging a guy and then the other with kissing his forehead.

" what are you doing with your sister's rapist " he yelled at her angrily.  She closed her eyes  and moved back in fear.

" I never expected this from you. You know it well that I have been searching this guy for years. I have always wondered why I was never able to find him. But now I guess I got my answers.  How will I find him when I have the traitor in my own household  " her appa said angily.

" Appa... "

" don't... don't Nithya... don't... I wish I would have never adopted you. Maybe Swathi wouldn't have faced such humiliation in her life " he said with tears in his eyes. His anger took the best out of him . He couldn't understand what he was saying.

" Appa " Nithin said loudly as he heard what his father said.

" Don't worry Nithin ... yes you are right. Maybe you should have never adopted me " Nithya said holding back her tears.

" Akka... you knew... " he asked bewildered.  He felt he cannot understand it at all. One side she is still in contact with Swathi's rapist on the other hand she knew she was adopted.

Nithya just chuckled at his question.

" Today I will kill that  bastard for spoiling my daughter's life . He cannot escape from me " Hari said taking out his gun and loading it. Nithya's eyes widened when she saw this.

Hari left with Nithin trailing behind him to stop him. Nithya knew no one could stop her father.

She ran upstairs to pick up her phone.  She dialed the person in the pictures but he wasn't attending her calls. She tried the other number but no one was picking it up.

" damn it Ishu why don't you pick up your calls " Nithya said frustrated.  She had only one way so she left to the place where her father went.

" Nithya your health isn't good ma don't go anywhere " Janaki told Nithya.

" it's ok ma I will manage " Nithya said running towards her car. When she reached the house she saw her Appa's car being already parked there.

When she peeked through the window she saw her Appa yelling at the guy and Nithin was trying to calm him.

Since Nithya knew the in and out of home the went inside the home through kitchen without anyone's knowledge.

She saw Nithin trying to hold her Appa from shooting the guy. The guy had his eyes closed as if he is ready to die from her Appa's gun.

She jumped infront of him to save him from her father's wrath.



Everyone stood there shocked.The guy felt  someone leaning onto him. When he saw the person his eyes widened in fear.

Hari stood there shocked. He couldn't believe himself that he shot his own daughter with his hands.

" love you Dev " Nithya said palming the guys cheek. She was shot twice. One above her breast and the other on her shoulder blade.

" No no " Dev said frantically

Dev acted quickly by picking her up.Nithin ran along with him he cannot let his sister with someone he didn't trust. He holded his father dragging his along with them as he wasn't in the right state of mind....


Any thoughts friends....

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