chap 43

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Vishak's pov :

" Vish...vishak..... " Nithya moaned as I kissed her along her neck. She held my shirt tightly.  I removed her shirt gently leaving it open but not removing completely from her body.

" you left me alone and took my shirt with you without my knowledge ha " I said tracing her lips.

I kissed her on her lips diverting  mind totally into the kiss. I held her hands above her head and cuffed her hands. I looked at her as both of us were panting hard.

" whats this " she asked me as I moved my fingers along her lips.

" don't you think You should be punished for the stunt you pulled out few days back " I asked her as I moved my fingers down her body. She bit her lips hard to control her moans. I chuckled pecking her lips.

I moved away from her . She kept noticing my every moves. I took out the thing which I brought before I came here. I kept it beside her and hovered over her.  I kissed her again taking her breath away.

I  peeled off her panties throwing it aside. I kissed her mound. I could feel shiver running down her spine. I licked her slowly making her whine.

I smiled again her but still  did my work slowly and sensually. She tried hard to control her moans when I felt that she is lubricated enough I inserted the vibrator inside her. She gasped as I did so.

I moved back and sat on the chair looking at my wife smirking. She looked ravishing in her dishelved state.

" what did you just do  " she asked me breathing heavily.

" vibrator " I said showing her the controller in my hand. I  set the pace slow at first. She kept squirming because of the vibration.

" vishak..." she moaned my name but this isn't what I want to hear from her.  I will stop it when she would say the words that I want to hear.

I  increased the speed and sat beside her. I tucked few strands of hair behind her ear. She whimpered unable to withstand the sensation. She tried to unlock her hands but she couldn't.

" stop it " she said squirming under me.

" not until what I want to hear from you "I said kissing  her forehead.  I can never stop loving this woman infront of me at any cost.

" ahh..." she cried out as she came.I know well she would be sensitive but I haven't reduced the speed of the vibrator.

I  moved away the shirt that was hiding her beauty away from me. I sucked her tits making her squirm more under me but she couldn't do anything. She came again and again but I never stopped my magic work on her.

" I'm sorry.... sorry.... I won't lie again " she said breathlessly.  I stopped the vibrator at once.

" that's like my girl " I said pecking her lips. I removed the vibrator slowly from her as she hissed. I unlocked the handcuffs.

" I  will kill you.. " she said narrowing her eyes at me.

" later" I said  kissing her.

I started entering inside her slowly she held my arms tightly as I did so. Soon we were into our world of abyss.

I cleaned her up and changed the sheets. I made her lay on the bed as she is tired. As she slept I applied medicine in her inner parts. I know it would be really painful for her.  Kissing her forehead I pulled her into my chest and slept peacefully...


I'm thinking of writing a story with these characters...

1. Dev and Ishu

2. Vishal and Swathi

3. Ashwin and Kavya

Whom do you guys want to meet first.. plzzz my silent readers reply...

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