chap 45

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  Nithya sat in a coffee shop drinking her coffee waiting for someone. She looked at her watch as its past 20 minutes than the exact time she asked him to come.

On the other side Swathi had Dev , Kavya Ashwin's wife, Vishak, Vishal,  Nithin, Rithik and her Appa were waiting in her room.

" why did you call us here idiot " Rithik asked her in a irritated tone as he had amazing plans for the day.

" just wait irritating idiot you will know it soon " she snapped at him. Vishal laughed at her words earning glare from Rithik.

She opened her laptop and connected something.

" what is it Swathi " Hari asked his daughter.

" I got information from my sources that Akka and Ashwin sir is going to meet eachother.  If they are having a sudden meeting then it must be serious.  Since we can't get any information out of either Akka or sir I thought of placing a device at Akka's mobile so that we can eavesdrop " she said waiting for scolding but no one said anything.

" Wow Swathi you know you are the best . The world's best conversation to eavesdrop would be their conversation.  After a long a long gap I'm getting the chance. Ummahhh " he said giving her a flying kiss.

Vishal stood hiding swathi before it could reach Swathi. He caught the kiss in his hand and threw it out of the window. He took his mobile and dialled a number and put it on speaker.

" hello " the other person said.

" oh yeah Ishu your boyfriend is kissing my wife " he said with a wicked grin.

" that fucking piece..   " Vishal cut the call and grinned as if he has gained something big in his life.

" Swathi... I officially hate your husband " Dev said glaring at Vishal.

" the feelings are mutual buddy " Vishal told him smiling.

" stop it both of you... I think they are going to start their conversation " Swathi sushed both of them.

" I don't think its good idea to eavesdrop " Kavya said quietly.

" Its okay I will face the consequences " Swathi said patting her shoulder.

( in the coffee shop )

" Sorry Nini had some important work that's why I'm late " Ashwin apologized to Nithya who was waiting for him.

" when did you arrive at exact time in my whole life Ashwin " She said as a matter of fact.

" Anyway tell me why did you ask me to meet you when I have time " Nithya asked him not beating around the bush.

" why Nini don't we have a bending conversation for 10 years " he asked her in return to which she stayed quiet.

" I know you left because you were scared.  I  have told you na... you don't have to worry about anything. We will protect you " he said to her.

" you told me the same  ten years back.... but didn't I lose you within a blink of my eye...  I can't lose my husband this time " she said glaring at him.

" you know na he has protection around him without his knowledge " he asked her.

" Don't act blind Ashwin.... you know My Anna ( elder brother ) won't even think for a second before taking me away my family " he said cracking her voice.

" only... only if they hurt you " he said glaring at her now..

" yeah and also when he senses I'm in danger " Nithya said sighing.

" you should be happy that you have people around you who genuinely want you safe " he said as a matter of fact.

" Don't you know those reports were just a warning " she raised her voice a bit in anger.

" you are just being paranoid " he said dismissively.

" So you want me to trust that I'm being paranoid.  Don't you remember I burned those reports infront of my baby's graveyard but now someone has it . They wanted to create dispute between me and Vishak . I'm just becoming restless day by day " she whisper yelled at him.

" What does Vishak think about those reports " Ashwin asked her carefully.

" that guy just solved half of my lies " she said sipping her coffee.

" I don't get it " Ashwin said thinking

" he just told me I'm trying to cover up someone . The baby can't be mine because I was a Virgin when  we got married and then about cheating there could be no way " Nithya said irritated.

Ashwin chuckled at her.

" Your brother selected the best guy for you... Only Vishak could tackle your web of lies " he said smiling.

" and you can see through my lies " she said narrowing her eyes at him.

" ofcourse how can I not we were together for half of our lives " he said still smiling.

" Why were you at Russia " Ashwin asked her.

"  ofcourse Anna sent me away so that I won't contact you at any cost " She said looking else where .

" What did you tell Dev about us " he asked her thinking about what Dev told him.

" I told him that we fell out of love after Swathi's incident " Nithya said sighing.

" that day he scolded me that I was the one to fall out of love and you were crying thinking of me.. is it so.... how bad was it Nini " he asked her quietly.

" Hey it wasn't that bad.  We together for most of our lives so when you weren't there I couldn't cope up and then one day I broke out and Dev saw it .... but then I have listen to my stupid brother's lecture  for a whole day" she said scoffing.

" I'm sorry " he said holding her hand.

" Hey I'm fine.... its just in the past ... I will talk to Dev regarding this. That guy cannot keep on going with his act " she mumbled

" He isn't wrong you know.... I  was the one who promised to be with you through thick and thin but I couldn't. But I'm glad that he was there when I couldn't " he said smiling sadly.

" come on stop this ....we are here to talk about those reports and those pictures which dad received.... we cannot let it go simply " she said thinking deeply......

Oops cliffhanger...

******Oops cliffhanger

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   A new story..... Presenting the lovely couples Swathi and Vishal in the UNFORGETTABLE...

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