chap 53

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  Nithya walked slowly holding her seven months baby bump. Vishak saw her and went towards her. He holded her hand and the couples sat on the couch in the living. 

Everyone were discussing about Nithya's Baby shower.

" Amma can't Nithya stay with us after the baby shower " Vishak asked his mother.

" no da... she has to be at her parents " his mother told him.

Vishak sat on the floor.  He took Nithya's swollen feet . He started massaging it as everyone were discussing.  Swathi was looking at him in awe.

" why are you keen on making this girl believe that what ever she is reading on those stupid novels could be real " Vishal asked glaring at Vishak.

" because it's real " Vishak and Swathi said together.  They hified eachother while Vishal facepamed himself.

" just say it out that you cannot be one of those romantic husband " Swathi chided him.

" I can't be cheesy like this guy " Vishal said pointing towards his brother.

" so what you are trying to say is you won't take care of me if you get pregnant " Swathi glared at Vishal.

" Don't twist my words.... " Vishal scurried off.

" Swathi don't worry I will take care of you " Vishak told her.

" the hell you will .... I can take care of my wife " Vishal said trying to hold Swathi's hand who swatted it away.

" ouch " Nithya moaned in pain.

" what happened " everyone were around her atonce.

" the baby kicked " Nithya said with tears in her eyes. Everyone placed their hands on her bump. But the baby did not kick.

" I will be the best husband for you Swathi " Vishal said trying to hold her while the baby kicked again. 

" I think the baby loves the bantter between her Chithi and chithappa a lot " Nithya said laughing at them. Everyone laughed happily.

The next day Nithya was sent back to her home after the baby shower.  She was missing her husband a lot.

At night she laid on the bed talking to the baby about Vishak.

" I miss him... don't you guys... " She said caressing her bump.

" Even I miss you guys... " Vishak said entering the room

" how come you are here " she asked him.

" they said you cannot be at my home... no one said about me being at your home " He said grinning jumping beside her on the bed.

" how are my babies doing " Vishak asked kissing her bump in response he felt the baby's kick. Nithya caressed his hair as he kept talking to the baby.

" we came this long hiding about our babies " Vishak mumbled quietly.

" let's surprise them.... " Nithya said laughing.  Vishak shook his head at her. She decided not to reveal to anyone regarding them having more than one baby.....

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