chap 29

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               Dev came after getting freshened up but he left as soon as he got paged. Still Nithya haven't woken up.  Vishak wanted to apologize to her for his deeds. But she did not wake up. He waited patiently looking at her.

        At afternoon she woke up.  She opened her eyes slowly to see her husband sitting beside her holding her hand  looking at her hands. At first she did not understand where she was. But then it dawned upon her .

     She became scared. She tightened her hold on Vishak who looked at her suddenly with tears in his eyes. She tried to say something.

" shh.. its okay calm down ... everything is fine " he said wiping her tears along with his. He informed Ishu who was just outside. Only when the guards confirmed that Nithya had woke up they let her family in.

But Nithya wanted to see Dev at the moment to calm her Mind.

" Is.... Ishu... De....Dev " Nithya shuttered when Ishu entered. 

" Akka calm down. He is perfectly alright.  Don't worry about him. "

" but... "

" no buts... stop worrying about him and think about yourself.  " Ishu turned into her doctor mood.

Vishak sat beside Nithya holding her hand drawing circles on her palm.

" she is alright don't worry.  Just take care of her diet " Ishu said sitting on the couch in the room.

" Nithya .... how are you ma " Priya asked her daughter with tears in her eyes.

" I'm okay Amma. See there is no pain even in my shoulder Nithya said in a cool manner.

" ohhh yeah don't worry...once the pain killer wears off the pain will hit you " Ishu said smiling evily.

" stop stating the truth " Vishal whispered at her. She just mimicked to close her mouth.

" Nithya you would tell me na If I ever wanted to divorce your Appa you will help me .... now I think I need your help" her amma said thoughtfully.

" Amma ..... Appa did not do it deliberately.... it... it was just a mistake " Nithya said looking at her father.

" Appa come here " she motioned her father to come near her. At first he hesitated but then he came to her and hugged her crying hysterically.

" I'm sorry ma... its just my anger took over me... I'm sorry ..... just me what I need to do to earn your forgiveness I will do anything " he said crying.

" Promise me something Appa " she said to him wiping his tears.

" tell me I will do it now " he said frantically.

" promise me that you won't ever hurt Dev again " Silence fell over the room. No one could believe their ears. Hari sighed.

" I promise " he said finally.

" I think she should rest can you guys leave " Ishu said quietly.

" nope we will stay here just like you silently in this room without causing any trouble " Nithin said smiling sweetly at Ishu.

She just rolled her eyes at him and started playing in her mobile....

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