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LOUD COMMOTION WAS HEARD throughout Starcourt Mall. Voices and shuffling of feet as people walked in and out of the stores. During the summer the mall was a hotspot for the teens in Hawkins, many would use it as a getaway to go shopping or simply spend time with their friends or significant others. Dylan happened to enjoy her job at the record store, Groovy Records, located directly in front of Scoops Ahoy!

The girl got the job a few weeks before high school came to an end for summer break and for her summer going into junior year, Dylan decided to get a job. Groovy Records was a great first job experience, mainly the discounts of vinyls the girl could get after her shift ended. With it being the second week of summer, the girl already had a full shelve of records.

It was nearing Dylan's break as she caught a glimpse of four familiar children make their way into Scoops Ahoy! The brunette let out a quiet chuckle, shaking her head at their antics. She knew exactly why they were going into the ice cream shop. None other than Steve Harrington was employed there and he let them through the back staff door so they didn't have to pay for movies.

Looking over her shoulder she saw her coworker, Lisa, making their way towards her. A bright smile worked it's way onto Lisa's tanned skin, "You can go take your break now." Dylan returned a smile at her words before nodding her head and shifting on the heels of her feet, turning towards the entrance of the store. "Oh also, Dylan, can you work until closing tonight? James called in again so i need someone to stay."

"Yeah i can, for sure. It's summer now so i can stay as long as i need too, majority of the time." Dylan faced the manager, who now was going behind the front counter waiting for customers. Lisa gave her a relieved expression, "You're amazing, thank you so much."

The blue eyed girl shrugged, a smirk on her face, "I know i am people tell me all the time." A laugh erupted from the girl behind the counter as she shook her head. Dylan joked at her boss before smiling knowing she helped her out in more ways than one. Usually if James called in, Lisa would stay till closing but today wasn't the case. The girls son had came down with a fever and she needed to be home somewhat early that night.

"On a serious note, you're welcome. I'll always be willing to help when i can." Lisa nodded her head, gratefully. "Okay, okay, go take your break now. I know you want to go hangout with that guy from Scoops." 

Dylan rolled her eyes, baffled at the assumption. "I do not want to hangout with Steve Harrington, i'm more so annoying him because it's hilarious. Also Robin works there and i go there for her mainly, not him." She tried to explain, not totally believing it herself but as she went to get more words out she saw Lisa raising an eyebrow before going to the back, out of sight.

Sighing, the girl hurriedly made her way to the ice cream shop hopefully in time to see the interactions with the kids. Pushing passed a group of high schoolers, she mumbled a "sorry". Before a smiled etched its way onto her face, as she stumbled into the ice cream shop right behind Lucas Sinclair. The boy gave her a smile and wave, she was always one of his favorites, to which the girl returned.

Robin smirked upon seeing Dylan come around the counter and place her arms down, leaning forward. The brunette girl was about to say something until a ding of the counter bell rang repeatedly. Mike Wheeler came face to face with the Robin making her roll her eyes before yelling out to Steve, "Hey, dingus, your children are here."

Dylan let out a laugh that she covered up with a cough as soon as Steve pulled open the window that over looked the front counter, and store. He gave the blue eyed girl an annoyed look before turning his attention to the group of kids, "Again? Seriously?" Disbelief written all over his face made him rethink this whole thing he did for the kids he grew to love.

𝗣𝗥𝗘𝗧𝗧𝗬 𝗪𝗢𝗠𝗔𝗡- steve harringtonWhere stories live. Discover now