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DYLAN LEFT STAR COURT MALL WHEN the sun was setting over the horizon, indicating night time had fallen. As she said her good byes to Steve and Robin, she started her car and left the parking lot. The girl didn't want to go home quite yet but ultimately after driving around Hawkins for an hour aimlessly, she opted to start her drive home.

The cars windows were rolled door as rock music flared through the speakers, it was a new cassette tape she'd brought a week prior. The cool summer breeze was picking up as she stepped harder on the gas pedal, speeding down the dirt road. Tall trees surrounded the road on both sides, the only lights coming from the slither of the moon peeking from the clouds and her dirty dim headlights.

One hand on the steering wheel, tapping to the beat of the music, and the other out the window holding the top where the door meets the roof. Dylan loved her car even if it wasn't the newest or the most outstanding model of a vehicle. It represented her in more ways than one, like her bedroom she was heading to. She always felt comfort in her bedroom especially when she never found it in anyone else.

Comfort and belonging were always a hard thing to come to terms with for Dylan. She never really trusted many people before the group of friends she had now. It was difficult to let herself be comfortable in the group and have a since of belonging within. There was always a voice in the back of her mind telling her secrets she wished to believe weren't true, she knew weren't true. But she couldn't help but to fall into those intoxicating lies.

Tuning back into reality, Dylan shivered. A now eerie shadow casted over her feelings. It lingered all around. It wasn't like the once summer night drive she felt fond of, the air around turned cold. It was harsh almost. Dylan's heartbeat faster, as the radio started malfunctioning. Different stations playing static at once even though she had the tape in. Static was heard throughout the car as the girl tried to turn the noise down, to no avail.

"What the hell?" The girl mumbled as her attention was stuck on the malfunctioning radio. This point i'm time she completely forgot she still had her foot on the pedal as it was flying past the trees, that blurred at her gaining speed. A muttering voice, whisper of sorts, were indescribable as it sounded from the static of the radio. The girl jumped as she then heard a yell and the whole radio shut off, causing her to look back up at the road.

Dylan panicked at her high speed as the wheel started to jerk towards a tree, regaining control of the car she slowed down to a complete stop. Both hands gripping tightly on the leather of the steering wheel. Her chest was heaving up and down rapidly, hands shaking. Swallowing her fear down, she reached over towards the radio and turned it back on after it turned off by itself.

With no problem the radio went back to playing her cassette tape.

Dylan ran a hand through her hair before she rubbed her eyes in disbelief. Thinking to herself that Hawkins always had something strange lurking behind every corner. But that was supposed to be over with. Or so she thought.

Dylan turned the music down, not feeling the upbeat tune anymore. As her foot pressed on the gas pedal to signify her moving forward in the car, she kept side eyeing the windows around her. You could never be more safe.

The five minute drive had the girl paranoid. When odd things happened in town it always had something more powerful that followed. And the girl worried that was exactly the case. Upon arriving at her house, she noticed her moms car in the driveway and the only light on was the porch light.

Sighing the girl got out of her car and walked to the door, unlocking it with her own set of keys. Before she heard the click of the key, a rustle in the bushes across from her house made her pause. The girl stared straight ahead at the cream colored door turning her head to look over her shoulder.

She wasn't going to go investigate, that's always how people died first.

So instead she unlocked her door fully, walking inside before facing the bushes once more. Her heart started beating erratically for the second time that night, the jingling noise of the keys caused by her still shaking hands. The rustling came to a stop and a small rabbit hopped out.

Dylan sighed, telling herself she's too paranoid now.

Shutting the front door, Dylan let out a deep breath. Putting her back against the wood and allowing her eyes to close for a split second. Pushing away from her spot she proceeded to lock the door and walk down the hallway and into her room.


Stocking shelves full of records that were new editions, Dylan Walker hummed to the beat of a song that had been stuck in her head all morning. Something to preoccupy her mind of last nights events. She hadn't told anyone, yet at least. And to be frank she didn't want anyone to know, she wanted last night to be all a figment of her imagination.

It was incredibly difficult to push it to the side, though.

Footsteps were heard behind Dylan making her turn on her heels to face whoever was there. To her surprise it was Dustin Henderson, who was away at camp due to his mom. A grin plastered on her face as she placed the other vinyls down on the empty part of the shelve before opening her arms out for a hug.

"Dustin, it's so good to see you!" She let out as they embraced into a friendly hug. Pulling away Dustin smiled wide at the girl, whom he missed while being away. "How was camp?"

Dylan started walking towards the front desk, letting herself sit in the chair and lean on the counter as the younger boy talked. "It was really great. I kind of met someone there too..."

The girls eyes widened, "Dustin that's amazing. Spill now."

"Okay, okay. Well her names Suzie and she's just... just perfect. We have so much in common." Dustin smiled wholeheartedly as he admitted to his friend. "I really like her."

"Dustin i'm so happy for you. I'm convinced already she's an amazing girl." Dylan kindly said, she really was over joyed for Dustin. He deserved every bit of happiness.

"Thank you, Dylan."

A moment passed before the girl raised an eyebrow questioning the boy, "Wait did you see me before Steve or after? Because i'll be heartbroken if you saw him first before me, Dustin."

Dustin's eyes went wide at her words before shaking his head, "No, yeah i came to see you first. I had to tell you about Suzie before Steve."

Dylan smirked, "Good. That makes me very happy. I can't wait to see the look on Steve's face when you saw me before him. It's gonna be priceless. Robins gonna love this."

"Let's go!"

authors note
idk what this is.
lmk your opinions so far!!
sorry i haven't update, i wasn't
able to but i'm back:)

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