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THE MORNING SUN PEAKED THROUGH Dylan's windows, a sliver of light visible on the left side of her cheek. Her room brightened by the light making it easy to see all around. The girl stirred as she was naturally being awoken from her sleep. Dylan groaned as the sun hitting her face started irritating her. Her blue eyes opened tiredly, not wanting to be awake. Pulling her green comforter closer to her body.

She laid there for a while, her eyes closing again as she was consumed with her thoughts. Dylan let herself drift off to the events that she endured that previous year along with the others. The events that happened, the way it stuck with her, the creatures that lurk in the shadows of this town, everything. It all engraved itself in her mind as she slept, or when wide awake, things she saw last year could never get out of her mind.

And it was only a matter of time things would get worse from there.

An hour had passed as Dylan finally decided to get up for the day. Normally she hated taken showers in the morning but today she made a dent in her ways. She wanted to cleanse herself of her thoughts, in a way. After she took a shower she got dressed in her normal attire.

Skipping her reflection in the mirror, she walked out of the bathroom and down the hallway. Rounding the corner into the kitchen she let out a sigh. Opening the fridge, the girl debated if she'd rather just eat something at the mall before her shift in a few hours than eat some stale cereal from the pantry.

As her back faced the entry way of the front door, she ran a hand through her now damp hair. The hair on the back of her neck stood up upon hearing the front door unlock and open. An all too familiar voice being heard, "Keep the door open, Joan, don't be inconsiderate."

"If anyone's inconsiderate, Daniel, it's you." Her mother barked back, the sound of the door shutting made Dylan jump in her spot.

She wasn't expecting them both back home today, or at all.

Still facing the fridge, Dylan clamped her eyes shut wishing she left earlier than usual. The two parents came to a stop as they took steps into the kitchen. Dylan unwillingly turned around facing her parents. She didn't speak as she crossed her arms over her chest waiting for them to pick something to start complaining about.

She felt her mothers eyes on her, knowing what was about to come of such. "Dylan you look like a wreck. You go to work like that?" Her voice trailed off as she looked around the house. "Why's the house such a mess?"

Dylan's eyes trailed after her fathers retreating figure as he stepped away from the conversation and walked towards his office. "I thought i looked fine and the house isn't a mess, i haven't been home long enough to make it dirty."

Joan Walker raised an eyebrow at her daughters words, "Well you don't look 'fine'. Go change into something more work appropriate. I didn't raise my kid to walk out of the house wearing that shit." She started to raise her voice. "The house is a disaster. When you get home from work today i want you to have this place spotless. It's ridiculous you can't pick up after yourself. Disgusting."

Dylan's face dropped at her mothers harsh words, her arms dropping to her sides as her shoulders deflated. "But mom, we aren't required to wear anything fancy. All we have to wear is our name tag on our shirt, that's it. I work at a record store not a fancy jewelry department. I also have to work late tonight, Lisa wanted me to stay till closing again."

Even though the last part was a lie she'd rather spend more time working than at home to face her parents.

"I don't care where you work. Go to your room and change. For god sake Dylan fucking listen to what i say for once in your damn life." Joan placed her hands on her hips. Her loud voice caused Daniel to walk out of his office to see what was going on. "You're also going to come home tonight and clean this house. All i ever ask for you to do is this and you're treating me like i'm some horrible person. It really hurts me, Dylan."

"You need to start listening to your mom."Daniel's voice boomed, it was sudden and unexpected. Loud with aggression as he stared at his only daughter with such distaste.

"It's just a t-shirt and shorts, i don't understand why i have to go and change." The brunette teen's voice was soft and agile, trying not to let it seem like she was getting angry at their words. Instead she was trying to calmly understand why she had to change such a simple outfit, it was the middle of summer anyways.

Joan huffed, "That band on your shirt is going to corrupt your mind. It's a stupid shirt in the first place. You also don't wear shorts to work. It's really uncalled for, the attitude i'm receiving right now."

"How is Pink Floyd going to corrupt my mind? I happen to actually like this band mom and i think you would to if you'd listen to their songs. I'm only wearing shorts because it's the middle of summer and it's always humid in the mall from all the people." Dylan explained, not wanting to have to go change after she was all ready to leave.

"I'm not trying to give you attitude, i promise."

"You're such a brat." Joan rubbed her face with her hand. Daniel glared at Dylan who was still in front of them, "You can never just fucking do what you're told can you?"

"Dad, i-" Dylan started just to be cut of by her father.

Daniel shook his head, "Just shut the hell up. I'm this close to taking your car away, will that make you listen then? If you have to walk to and from work by yourself?" Dylan shook her head at his words not wanting to speak as she drew her mouth into a thin line.

"Exactly." Daniel muttered as he walked away having enough of the conversation.

"You know what, wear whatever Dylan. I'm always the bad guy in your eyes anyways. No matter how hard i try. Just go and get out of my fucking face. You look horrendous, i'd suggest you try some makeup sometime to help but you'd just start arguing with me about that too."

Dylan turned on her heels, as she heard her mother stop talking. Her head bowed down to the floor as she grabbed her keys from her room and her bag then made her way towards the front door. Keeping her head down the whole time she missed her mothers hateful stares burning in the back of her head. Grabbing the door knob she heard her mothers voice speak for the last time.

"Why do you think your father and i hate being here so much? It's because of you. I mean look what you did. It's always because of you, Dylan. I should've never had you." Joan's voice was strong of resentment towards her daughter as she watched her close the door.

Dylan got in her car with a single tear coming down her face. Starting the car up she wiped it away as more threatened to fall, to which she wouldn't allow. The blue eyed girls heart stung, her mothers voice ringing in her eyes on repeat. That single sentence made her heart shatter as it got harder to breathe.

And if she were being completely honest, she too, wished she was never even alive.

authors note
i kind of hate this chapter
but you see a glimpse of how
her parents are.

lmk what you think so far:)

𝗣𝗥𝗘𝗧𝗧𝗬 𝗪𝗢𝗠𝗔𝗡- steve harringtonWhere stories live. Discover now