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THE DIMLY LIT TUNNEL NEVER SEEMED to end. After they heard the voice on the walkie-talkie, they began walking in the same direction as before. The only sound being heard was their own breathing, or their shoes padding against the floor. Dylan Walker was beyond exhausted not being able to sleep the night before or countless nights before that, it all seemed to be weighing down on her now.

But Dylan kept going, especially when they heard the sounds of people talking and another one of those vehicles pass by. The group turned a corner being careful hoping to not get caught before they could escape. Steve led the group, deciding he was going to be the one in front to "protect" the others just in case.

"Okay, clear." Steve whispered, cautiously taking steps to not draw any noise. "Clear, come on let's go."

"Okay, that was close." Robin walked behind Dylan, speaking to Steve.

Dylan nodded in agreement, "Way too close. We don't know what they would do if they catch us, we have to be more careful."

"Relax." Steve looked over his shoulder for a split second. "All right? Relax nobody saw..."

He trailed off as they rounded another corner. Workers running around the area, a voice being heard on the intercom throughout the area. Dylans face dropped, leaning unconsciously into Steve who didn't seem to mind. They watched as soldiers, scientists, everyone went about their business not noticing as they stood in shock.

That is until a guard on the second floor by the railing turning his attention towards where they stood, Steve quickly went into action by grabbing Dylans arm and pulling her down. Dylan doing the same with Robin as the younger two followed in suit. The girls chest heaved at the close call.

"I saw it. First floor, northwest." Erica whispered, telling the teens what she had found.

"Saw what?" Steve shook his head as a gesture for her to hurry up and continue.

"The comms room." Erica explained knowingly.

"You saw the comms room?" Steve said in disbelief not understanding how she could focus on finding that room.

"Are you sure?"

"Positive." Erica looked back at Dustin, "The door was open for a second and i saw a bunch of lights and machines and shit in there."

"That could be a hundred different things." Dustin pipped in making them realize it might not actually be the comms room.

"I'll take those odds." Robin shrugged, anything was better than nothing in her eyes.

"Hell, i will too. Erica Sinclair if you're right about this, i'm going to make sure they give you free ice cream for life and music if you want any." Dylan smiled at the younger girl, trying to be positive for once in her life.

Steve sighed, peaking around the corner of where they sat. "All right. We're gonna move fast, we're gonna stay low. Okay?"


The boy then moved, everyone following after. They ducked behind crates this time, now in the actual room with the workers. They kept ducking behind things until they saw a man walk out of the door, Steve being able to catch it in time before it shut completely. He kept hushing the group to make sure they were keeping a low profile.

But as they turned around, now facing the control panels, a man took his headphones off that sat in the chair. His hand went to his gun that was kept in his waist band. Robin shoved her head out in front of her speaking Russian to the man.
It seemed the man didn't understand what she was saying, he kept reaching further to his waist band. That's when Steve leapt into action, tackling him onto the panel before the guy shoved him off making Steve hit his lower back against a different panel.

He then threw a punch, Steve backing away in time before his fist could collide with his face. The two kept fighting until Steve got the upper hand, elbowing the guy in the face then taking the mic and slamming it into the side of his head, causing him to fall and hit the table knocking him out.

Dylan stood in shock at what just happened, she watched Steve move his hair out of his face before making eye contact with her. Her mouth went to move but Dustin beat her to it. "Dude."

"You did it. You won a fight." Dustin smiled happily, walking over to the unconscious man and picking something off his belt.

Dylan walked over to Steve, "Are you okay?"

"Uh, yeah, yeah i'm good." Steve breathed out, his chest still heaving.

"Okay, good." She drew out before a large smile broke onto her face. "Steve Harrington, i never thought i'd say this to you but what you just did was so fucking cool."

Steve smiled, "Do i get points for that?"

"Maybe, Harrington. We'll have to see." Dylan smirked, turning her attention towards the youngest two.

"Getting us our ticket out of here." Dustin said, grabbing something from the guy.

"You want to walk all the way back?" Erica pointed towards the door, walking towards Dustin.

"Well we can hang out for a little bit, relax, have a picnic maybe." Dustin's voice was laced with sarcasm that wasn't too easy to point out.

"Have a picnic? We came here for the radio." 

"This plan is way better. If i knew Steve could knock out a Russian that would've been our plan in the first place." Dylan zoned out the two arguing as she noticed Robin walk away and down a different hallway.

Following after the girl, Dylan came to a stop as they both looked through a door. Dylan stayed as Robin went down to grab the others, the room held a blue light that lit the girls features up. As Robin came back, they went through the door, quietly. They all walked over to the windows now fully being able to see past the people in white coats.

Dylan wished she never was curious enough to look. She didn't want to believe it anymore. The girls breath hitched in her throat, her hands began to shake slightly at the site. A device seemed to be powering a gate to the upside down, the green liquid from the elevator being out inside the device. It truly took her breath away to see the gate, knowing what chaos that dark place caused.

None of them said anything as they were too busy looking at what was in front of them. The girl wanted nothing more than to back away but it felt as though she was being stuck in place. It drew memories out that she kept stored in the depths of her mind from last year and what had happened.

Pure chaos was back in Hawkins and they were only seeing the beginning of what has yet to come.

authors note.
that's the end of ep 5.... how we feeling so far?? not much has happened right now between steve and dylan, this is mostly filler chapters more will come soon i promise.

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