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THERE WERE MANY INCIDENCES WHERE if Dylan Walker could change them she would, but being inside Steve Harrington's home was definitely not one. The girl followed behind Steve as he unlocked the door, holding it open for Dylan. Stepping inside the doorway she couldn't help but to observe the house.

It was a lot bigger than she initially thought it would've been. The long wooden stairs came into view, leading up to a overlooking balcony that lead towards where she assumed Steve's bedroom was. Random pictures accompanied the walls along the stairs. Staring straight ahead half of the living room was noticeable, the back wall having a sliding glass door that showed the pool he once told her about.

Steve's presence was felt beside the girl as he watched her take in his home. "Do you like it?" His voice mellow, unlike when he was at work, knocked her out of the trance like state she seemed to be in. Her eyes feel onto his, "Yeah i actually really do. It's pretty spacious, it seems nice."

The boy pulled his eyes away, running his tongue along the inside of his mouth. He then started walking up the stairs, looking over his shoulder once to see if Dylan was following behind, which she was. "It's nice and spacious and shit but it kinda gets a little lonely here sometimes. If that even makes any sense."

"No it makes a ton of sense. I understand what you mean, my house isn't near as big as this but being home alone all the time does give you this sense of loneliness. Especially when your parents are only there for a night and constantly nitpick everything you do just to be gone when you wake up the next morning." Dylan rambled, knowing she said too much about her own life but Steve seemed to not mind.

They both came to a stop outside of a door down the hallway of the upstairs part of the house. It was a regular white wooden door that opened up to reveal Steve's bedroom. It was a simple room, a desk beside the window. A queen size bed that held a navy blue comforter. The walls were decorated in a wallpaper, stripes that went vertical and through those horizontally. They were a cream and brown color, alternating between the two.

"Cute room, Harrington." Dylan joked, watching as Steve crossed his arms over his chest and playfully rolled his eyes.

"Thanks." Steve countered, closing the curtains that matched his wallpaper. Once he was facing Dylan again he had an idea pop into his mind, "Wanna go swimming?"

Dylan shook her head, "I don't have a bathing suit or i would take you up on that offer."

"Uh..." Steve contemplating for a second before ultimately giving into what he was thinking. "Just take your shorts off and wear your shirt."

"Woah once again, Steve, take me out to dinner first. We keep finding ourself in this same conversation. I'm starting to think you're doing it on purpose." Dylan smirked, Steve's eyes widened before he rapidly starting shaking his head.

"What? No. No. I just meant you could cover up with your shirt and you wouldn't have to swim with the jean shorts on." Steve tried to explain himself earning a light hearted laugh from the blue eyed girl.

She smiled, "Steve i'm just messing with you. We can go swimming, i'd actually love too right now."

He nodded, a hand coming up to play with his lips. "Okay good, good."

"I'll just uh go in my bathroom and change, you can just change in here. If you want you can go ahead and go outside and i'll meet you down in a second." Steve suggested to which Dylan immediately shook her head to.

𝗣𝗥𝗘𝗧𝗧𝗬 𝗪𝗢𝗠𝗔𝗡- steve harringtonWhere stories live. Discover now