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DYLAN WALKER NEVER WAS KNOWN to fawn over anyone, let alone a boy with fantastic hair. She was always one that preferred to be alone rather than with someone she knew wouldn't make her feel fulfilled. It was harder than it seemed to come by in Hawkins, to find that one person who made you over the moon for them. And all that ran through the girls mind was the events of last night.

The pool, the kiss.

She found it hilarious how the Harrington boy made her feel, that it happened to be him that could make her head over heels. Never would she think Steve would've been the one to cause her blanking out. Constant envisions of him scattered in her mind daily. Even worse now because of that passion felt kiss from the night before.

That dumb little kiss was infiltrating every bone in her body.

Robin nudged the girl, giving her a curious look. Dylan moved her head to the side meeting Robin's gaze, the girl in her Scoops Ahoy! uniform raised an eyebrow. The shorter haired girl held apprehension on her dimly lit features, pondering on what could be going through her best friends maze of a mind.

"What's happening, i'm sorry i zoned out for a second?" Dylan questioned, now flickering her eyes between Steve and Robin.

They were on top of the mall, overlooking where they were going to break into. Dustin sat on the other side of Steve, while Dylan sat on the other side of Robin. Robin held a walkie-talkie in her hand, speaking to Erica. It was also dark out making it slightly easier for them to pull this mission off.

"Erica's going into the ducts now." Robin replied, eyeing the brunette girl who caught Steve's eyes.

"Oh okay, cool." Dylan pulled her lips into a tight line, moving her head up and down slowly as stared straight forward towards the metal doors down below.

A few minutes went by as they waited for Erica's voice to come over the walkie-talkie, Dustin using his binoculars to watch the doorway that wasn't guarded anymore. Steve and Dylan kept accidentally making eye contact, to which they smiled at each other and then looked away just to do it over again.

"All right, nerds. I'm there." Erica Sinclair's voice was heard, breaking the silence.

"Do you... do you see anything?" Robin asked, pushing the button on the side down as she talked. Everyone on stand by as they were on edge.

"Yeah, i see those boring boxes you're so excited about."

"Any guards?"


"Booby traps?" Robin wondered, deciding to ask.

"If i could see them, they'd be pretty shit traps wouldn't they?" Erica sassily said in her usual fashion. "Thank you for that."

Moments went by slowly before the young girls voice came back, "I'm in."

"Oh, God." Steve exhaled, covering his face with his hands.

Dylan's eyes glued to the metal door that slid open revealing Erica. She let out a deep, shaky breath. "I can't believe we're doing this."  But nonetheless she held a breathy smile on her face as she watched the younger girl successfully pull this off.

𝗣𝗥𝗘𝗧𝗧𝗬 𝗪𝗢𝗠𝗔𝗡- steve harringtonWhere stories live. Discover now