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AFTER THE EVENTS EARLIER THAT day, Dylan's mood crumbled. An incredible weight pressed against her chest, her throat dry from the lacking of talking. She didn't even eat her breakfast like she planned too. Running on no food and a weak mind, she was happy to be at the end of her shift.

Leaving her place of work, she spent the next ten minutes in line to get some cheese fries. Now she was supposed to fine Steve and Dustin as they scope out looking for any person that stood out, or in their case "evil russians".

The girls sour mood lessened as she saw Dustin and Steve crouch behind a brush in the mall with binoculars. As she made her way over with her fries in her hand, eating them as she walked. The blue eyed girl heard her name as she came closer.

"What about Dylan?" Dustin's voice spoke, looking at the boy beside him.

Steve shrugged his shoulders, looking away from him and towards the ground. "I don't know."

"You don't know what?" She asked as she appeared in front of the binoculars as Steve wore them. He jumped at the sudden appearance causing the girl to break into a small smile.

"Okay, let's not do that. Please." Steve removed the binoculars, Dustin grabbing them, and held a hand to his chest.


"Any luck so far?" Dylan questioned as Steve gestured her to have a seat beside him. The girl sat down and Steve pointed at the fries in her hand. "Can i have some?"

The girl didn't respond instead just held out the plate towards him so he could get some. She then offered him her fork too, seeing as he was hesitant to grab them with his fingers. He gladly took the fork grabbing some cheesy fries, taking a bite before placing the fork back on the plate

"Not yet, but we should soon." Dustin continued to look through the binoculars at the random people in the mall.

"What were you guys talking about before i came over?" Dylan curiously asked, trying to get her mind off the fact she was sharing food with the boy beside her.

Steve's eyes widen slightly, "Oh nothing..."

Dustin rolled his eyes, leaning his body forward to look around Steve and towards the girl. "Don't listen to him. We were talking about girls and advice. Which i was trying to give him but he has too big of an ego to listen to."

The girl let out a laugh, digging her fork into her food. "I've tried to help him too, Dustin. He just doesn't listen. I think it's all the hair on his head clogs his ears or something."

"My hair is amazing thank you." Steve gasped, his jaw dropped at her words. "And you know it is. You've said it before."

She innocently shrugged, "Okay, yeah maybe i've said that..."

"Exactly, my point." Steve gestured his hand to the girl as he looked to Dustin with a knowing look. Grabbing some more fries off her plate, before letting her have the rest of what was left.

"But here's some more advice for you, Stevie." She softly spoke, him groaning in response. "Just listen. All you have to do is be yourself. Stop trying to act cool just to impress some girl. If she doesn't like the real you than she isn't worth it, seriously."

𝗣𝗥𝗘𝗧𝗧𝗬 𝗪𝗢𝗠𝗔𝗡- steve harringtonWhere stories live. Discover now