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BEFORE MAKING HER WAY TO SCOOPS AHOY! Dylan had to make sure it was okay with Lisa, her manager. The girl went ahead and told Dustin to make his way over to the ice cream parlor and she'd follow after him. Walking into the break room, Dylan grabbed her bag and continued her way to the office. She knocked on the door, lightly, just in case Lisa was on the phone.

Lisa's figure appeared at the door within seconds as the brunette was looking over her shoulder into the hallway waiting. Looking straight ahead again, Dylan jumped not expecting to see the women standing there. Putting a hand over her racing heart, the blue eyed girl let out a breathy smile.


Lisa displayed a smile on her face, "I'm sorry i didn't mean to scare you."

"No, no it's okay. I was just wondering if i'm all good to go for the day?" Dylan questioned trying to ease the dull mood that casted over the two for a moment. The manager nodded her head, "Yeah you're free to go. Have a great rest of your day, Dylan."

The brunette turned on her heels throwing the manager a tight lip smile over her shoulder as she made her way out of the store. Lisa was always a nice person but recently there were moments that Dylan noticed how strange she could act. She didn't notice how odd the encounters could be at first but now it started to build more and more. Lisa's strange behavior was like a light switch, she would be completely normal and kind but then every once in awhile she'd be a completely different person until she knocked herself out of whatever trance like state she found herself in.

Shaking her head to get rid of her thoughts, Dylan wondered into her friends place of work. Upon entering the store she saw Steve and Dustin sitting in a booth, a container of ice cream in front of the younger boy as they both talked. Robin was at the counter by the register waiting for any new customers as she overheard the two boys conversation.

"Dylan!" Steve exclaimed from his seat as he watched her walk in, a bright smile on his face.

The girl stopped her movement to face him, "Stevie!" Dustin let out a contagious laugh at the Harrington boys nickname. Steve sending him a glare before focusing back on the girl standing in front of him. "Hendersons back."

A smirk formed on her face, "I know, he came to see me first." With this the girl turned on her heels and walked to where Robin Buckley was standing with her arms leaning on the counter. She could hear Steve and Dustin's banter as she moved away but they ultimately stopped and started a new conversation, one that she had briefly with the Henderson boy.

"Dylan how many kids are you guys friends with and why?" Robin raised an eyebrow, her chin resting in the palm of her hand as she waited on the girls answer.

Dylan looked over her shoulder at Steve and Dustin, the two engaged in a topic of conversation. The girls eyes met Robins curious ones. She sighed, shrugging her shoulders. "It's a very long story but those kids are amazing, truly. But don't worry Steve and I have friends our own age, kind of."

"You both are so weird but i dig it. I dig you, not Steve." Robin clarified, making sure she understood what she was saying.

"I dig you too, Robin." Dylan laughed at her words, a small smile on Robins face. "Why thank you." Robin stood straight, bowing at her words as a joke.

𝗣𝗥𝗘𝗧𝗧𝗬 𝗪𝗢𝗠𝗔𝗡- steve harringtonWhere stories live. Discover now