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DYLAN HAD TO LEAVE EARLIER THEN intended because she got called into work, more so ran into Lisa who asked, before she could help her friends convince Erica to crawl through the air duct. The group said they wouldn't let her do it until the next day, to be more prepared and to let Dylan have a chance to be in the operation as well.

A few minutes after she got into work, Lisa asked her if she would call her mom up to the store. Something about a new company policy she'd like to abide by. Dylan didn't give it much thought as she rang her mother from the phone attached  on the wall, which caused her home phone to ring.

To her surprise Joan Walker still roamed around the house by herself, awaiting for her next business trip the following day. It caught the mother off guard to hear the phone ring and it to be her own daughter on the other side asking her to come to her place of work, somewhere she'd never been before.

But much to Dylan's dismay, Joan ended up agreeing to stop by to exchange a conversation with her manager. The girl stacked vinyls in their respective slots in the shelves and in the baskets that were propped up in the middle of the store. Rock music faintly filled her ears, the sound playing throughout.

Dylan happened to love music and any type at that. She loved trying something new as much as she could. That being why she jumped at the opportunity's to bring home anything she could get her hands on. Music helped her get away from the cruel reality she lived in. It taking her to a save place inside her own mind, somewhere only she'd ever get to experience in glimpses at times.

The sound of heels clicking against the floor caused the brunette to glance up. The sound coming from none other than her own mother that walts right in, standing merely inches away from her daughter. Dylan straightened her posture, standing upright. Her muscles tensed, jaw tightening, as she slowing put a cassette tape down in its respective basket.

"Mom." Dylan exhaled, crossing her arms over her chest. Now insecure that the older women would have something to say about her appearance.

"Dylan." Her mother pronounced, eyeing her daughter in disapproval.

Dylan sighed, "Let me go tell Lisa you're here."

Her mother nodded, walking closer towards the front counter. Dylan made her way into the back, knocking on the office door. Lisa appeared moments later, an eerie smile written on her face. It made goosebumps rise all over Dylan's body.

"My moms here..." The girl said unsure of what to do.

Lisa shook her head, "Thats great, let's go get her shall we?"

Lisa made her way around Dylan, the girl turning on her heels and walking right after. They both came into view of Joan Walker who was impatiently waiting. She was staring at everything in the store in utter disgrace. Rolling her eyes before noticing the two girls standing behind the front desk.

"Hello you must be Joan? I'm Lisa, Dylan's manager." Lisa offered another one of her oddly discomforting smiles. One that seemed force and out of character. "Let's go into my office to discuss why i brought you in here for."

Dylan's eyebrows furrowed at the strange proper sounded sentences that kept forming out of the managers mouth. It wasn't like her to be so serious or to be so proper sounding. Lisa was more of a laid back but knew how to get shit done kind of women. Having to raise a child of your own, by yourself, gives you a sense of maturity in Dylan's eyes.

𝗣𝗥𝗘𝗧𝗧𝗬 𝗪𝗢𝗠𝗔𝗡- steve harringtonWhere stories live. Discover now