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BEING HUDDLED OVER A BOX WITH her friends, Dylan would've never expect to find what she did inside nor be in this situation in the first place. If you asked her what she thought she would have been doing by this point in summer, the girl would've laughed at the thought of what was going on in her life now. Translated a secret Russian code, now being in a room full of boxes with unknown items inside plus the new shifted relationship with Steve Harrington.

It all felt too surreal.

Even with the new eventful life she'd been living, once again, the girl still held a deep  perturbing inevitableness crawling inside, gnawing at her to be unleashed. Dylan couldn't put a finger on what was making her mind drag down, maybe it was the anxiety of being caught or the underlying problem she thought occurred yesterday at her place of work. Either way, whatever was eating away at her made it harder to breath.

Dylan watched as Steve cut open the tape alongside the top of the box then proceeding to move his hands to open the flaps. The girl reached out before they got a chance to look what was inside, placing her hand on his, concern written on her face. "Be careful please. We don't know what's in there. I'd rather you not die."

"I'll be careful. It's all fine. Trust me, i'd rather not die today either." Steve nodded reassuringly, before Dylan placed her hand back by her side as she watched intently at the cardboard box.

A metal box laid inside the cardboard one, revealing itself after it was opened. Steve stuck his hand inside, twisting the top of the metal box. Everyone waiting around silently, holding their breath. The anticipation was deathly. Dylan bit at her cheek as she made eye contact with Robin. The shorter haired girl gave her a look of hope, before hearing the metal box open up.

A rush of air hissed as he twisted the top, lifting the lid of the box. The group moved closer, now hovering over top to get a better look at the contents inside. To Dylans surprise it had four metal notches, on top of the cylinder containers.

"That's definitely not Chinese food." Steve pitched in, setting the metal lid to the side. The boy then put his hands out in front of the rest of them, "Uh, maybe you guys should, y'know, stand back?" Robin and Erica took a few steps back while Dustin and Dylan stayed put.


"Just step back, okay?"

"No." Dustin argued back, not budging neither did the girl beside him.

"Steve we aren't moving." Dylan butted in, making him exchange looks between the two.

Steve placed his arm out touching both Dustin and Dylans chests, "Step back, seriously."

"No. No!" Dustin frustratedly fought back again. "If you die, i die."

Dylan nodded, "Me too. If you both die, i die."

Steve gave her a hard look, not wanting her to get hurt if it came down to it. Dylans eyes held a pleading look making him shake his head. "Okay."

Steve grabbed the handle, pulling the cylinder up out of its box. Steve lifted the unknown object up in the air. Inside contained a green substance, moving around with the air bubbles. Dylans eyebrows furrowed, confusion filled her features.

𝗣𝗥𝗘𝗧𝗧𝗬 𝗪𝗢𝗠𝗔𝗡- steve harringtonWhere stories live. Discover now