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WHEN THE GIRL ARRIVED HOME that night, she noticed her mothers car still in the driveway. Her face held a look of confusion on why she was still here, her dad had obviously left that day only to be back sometime that week. As she walked inside her not so loving home, she made a b-line towards her room so she could change out of her work attire.

Changing into something more comfortable, Dylan went to the kitchen. Putting her hair out of her face, she sighed as she looked at the dishes in the sink that weren't there this morning. As she did the dishes a single tear fell down her face before it cascaded into more free falling.

Dylan didn't understand why she was so emotional. This wasn't anything new for her.

Drying the last dish, she grabbed the counter for support as she stopped her tears. Taking a deep breath before wiping the counters down, then maneuvering her body towards the broom to sweep the dusty floors.

After she did what she was supposed to do, the girl looked over at the stove it's time reading '12:30' am. Grabbing a glass and filling it with water she made her way towards her room but got distracted by a body on the couch.

Coming closer she realized her mom was passed out on the gray couch, a glass of wine on the coffee table in front of the women. Dylan sighed, placing her cup down on the table and grabbing a discarded blanket from the lazy chair next to her. Unfolding the blanket, she laid it on top of her mother as she slept.

A frown made it's way on Dylan's face as she saw how her mother was. Grabbing her glass of water, she made her way towards her room not giving the women a second glance. A deep weight never left her chest as it just kept piling up heavier.

That night Dylan couldn't fall asleep. A restless night of terrors seeping in her mind. She couldn't help but to feel as though something worse was about to hit the town.


The next morning Dylan found herself in the front seat of Steve Harrington's car. It was now becoming a familiar occurrence. One she didn't quite mind. Dylan was tired that day, barely getting any rest from the night before.

"Are you okay?" Steve looked towards the girl, concern lacing is words. "You just seemed, like, sad? Yesterday at least and today you just look tired. Did you get any sleep last night?"

The girl shook her head to the side, "No, i barely got any sleep last night."

Steve's eyebrows furrowed, conflicted in what he should ask next. He didn't want to pry but he wanted to make sure she was okay. "Why?"

The girl sighed, "Steve, that's a stupid question."

"It's not stupid, i'm trying to be a nice person here and make sure you're okay." He huffed, running a hand through his hair. "That's what, uh, friends are for."

"Friends, right." Dylan nodded her head. "I'm fine you don't have to worry about me."

The boy let out a groan at her stubbornness, "Oh my god. You're obviously not fine, Dylan. I'm here for you, i can listen. I'm going to worry about you no matter what, okay?"


"No." He cut her off. "Is it because of your mom being back? Or what? I want to understand, seriously."

Dylan stared at the boy beside her, they pulled into the Starcourt Mall. "Yeah."

"Yeah it's because of my mom being back, she isn't usually home for this long. It's really weird to me. Not only just that but she got pissed at me yesterday and i just... I just keep having this feeling like something bads about to happen. It's hard to sleep." She confessed, quietly. She hated opening up to others but she felt as though Steve should at least know the last part.

The boy was quiet, soaking in her words. He then turned towards her, placing a hesitant hand on her shoulder. The girls breathing came to a stop at the sudden touch. "I don't really know what she said to you yesterday but i know you didn't deserve it. If you want you can come over to my place and stay the night. Maybe she'll be gone tomorrow? And if i'm being honest i've had that same feeling."

"That feeling like everything's going to go to shit soon."

authors note
this was a short chapter
i don't like it lol
vol 2 comes out tomorrow
and i'm terrified.

𝗣𝗥𝗘𝗧𝗧𝗬 𝗪𝗢𝗠𝗔𝗡- steve harringtonWhere stories live. Discover now