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"ALRIGHTY, ONE SCOOP OF CHOCOLATE. That's a buck twenty five." Steve Harrington smiled handing a girl her cone. "Anything else? Ooh, Purdue." He gestured to her shirt as she gave him the money from the purse that was hanging off her shoulder, her friend in a floral button up licked her ice cream. "Fancy."

"Yeah, i'm excited." The blue shirt girl smiled, nodding her head at the boy with a light chuckle.

As he put the money in the cash register he continued, "Yeah, you know, i considered it. Purdue, but then i was like, you know what? i really think i need some real life experience, you know? Before i hit college, see what it feels like. Kinda like, uh, i don't know... See what it's like to earn a working mans wage."

The floral shirt girl tried to refrain from laughing at his awkward interaction with her friend. The curly haired girl with the blue shirt nodded her head, not interested, just wanting to leave now after the unwanted conversation Steve got her in.

"I think that's like really important."Steve jutted, getting the change from the register he was previously struggling with.

"Yeah totally."

The boy inwardly chuckled, knowing how bad the conversation was truly going. "Yeah, anyway this was like so fun. We should kind of like, you know... I don't know, maybe hang out this weekend or-" Dylan couldn't help but to shake her head feeling bad for the poor guy. This entire situation was incredibly awkward to encounter. It made her want to hide in the comfort of her bed and never come out and she wasn't even apart of this.

"And another one bites the dust." Robin Buckley opened the window behind him, a white board and marker in hand. Steve sighed, closing his eyes.

"Steve you're totally losing your game." Dylan inquired, cringing. She put her book down on the cream colored table, shifting in her seat at the booth she currently found herself in. It was her day off and she still somehow managed to find herself at the mall. The brown eyed boy gave her an incredulous look, before turning around and facing the dirty blonde which was more so a light brown under certain lighting.

"You are oh for six, Popeye." Robin used the marker to draw a tally mark next to the other five, under the 'You Suck' side of the white board.

"Yeah, yeah i can count." The brunette boy crossed his arms clearly not amused by either of his friends words.

Robin looked at the white board than back to Steve, "You know that means you suck." Dylan grinned at her words, knowing the boy was annoyed. "Yep, i can read too."

"Since when?"

"Aw lighten up Stevie." Dylan popped her head next to him, leaning over the counter to do so. Steve drew his eyes towards the girl, she hadn't used that nickname in a while. "It's not the end of the world that some girl doesn't want to hang out with you. I mean it's incredibly painful to watch you absolutely suck trying to talk to them but it'll come around. Just give it some time."

His brown eyes faltered when he shook his head. "Yeah, yeah give it time. This used to be so much easier. I mean what the hell?!" He paused, obviously thinking about something. "It's this stupid hat."

Dylan raised a brow at his words, he quickly pushed off the counter facing his body to be able to see both girls as he spoke. "I am telling you, it is totally blowing my best feature."

𝗣𝗥𝗘𝗧𝗧𝗬 𝗪𝗢𝗠𝗔𝗡- steve harringtonWhere stories live. Discover now