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I looked out of the window admiring the night sky. It's been 3 years since he left all of sudden without informing me nor his friends. He vanished, we couldn't even contact him, no messages, no calls were made by him.

Though it's been 3 years but my feeling remains the same. I have no idea why he left like that, where he is right now, how he's been doing. I swear I'll be beating him to pulp if he ever shows up.

" Ma'am we are here. " My driver informed as he stopped the car in front of the gate of my house. I came out of my thoughts and got down from the car.

Today's shoot was really tiring. I'm currently working as an actress I did some cameo roles and I'm also a model for some brands. Being popular on Instagram led me to this. It's not like I hate my job but I don't like it either. I'm satisfied and that's what matters.

I took out the key from my purse to unlock the door. But I was distracted by some sounds. Sound of someone groaning from pain?

I turned towards that direction and saw a figure lying down with its back leaning against the wall, boundary of my house. It wasn't clear as it was dark.

I quickly took out my pocket knife from the purse just in case and slowly walked towards it.

" Who are you? " I asked as I took a step forward. No reply.

It's face wasn't clear as it was complete dark. Now I was close to the figure, I turned on my phone's flashlight. My eyes widened when I got the clear vision of blood dripping down from the head of that person while his head hung low making it impossible to look at the face.

I knelt down in panick and shook that person's body lightly.

"Help me" He mumbled as he looked at me making me gasp. Tears immediately started forming in my eyes.

" Jihoon?! " I immediately hugged him staining my clothes with blood. I quickly tried to pick him up and wrapped his one arm around my shoulder and wrapped my one arm on his waist.

I managed to bring him inside the house and laid him on my bed. I took my phone out and called my doctor.

Since I don't know the situation so I don't think it's safe to take him to the hospital because police might get involved in this case.

The doctor arrived after few minutes and is currently checking him up. I was seating in the living room constantly mumbling few chants, praying for him with my eyes closed and hands joined together.

My prayers were interrupted once she walked out of the room.

" It's alright this isn't that serious since he didn't lose that much blood. I Applied the bandages he'll wake up within few hours. " She informed making me sigh in relief.

" Do you have any idea what could have happened to him? " I asked.

" Well from the wound it looks he was hit by something on his head. May be someone attacked him. " She thought for a while before answering.

" Why would someone do that to him? " I bit my lips.

" Y/n? Is it him? " She asked raising her eyebrows. I nodded. She knows about Jihoon.

" Y/n I'd suggest you not to ask him too many questions once he wakes up. Give him sometime alright? " She insisted. I nodded and gave her a weak smile.

" I'll be going then, I kept the medicines on the table, apply the cream and put the fresh bandages again after he takes shower alright. And feed him medicine after eating every night. " She explained and left.

I went to the kitchen, took some lukewarm water in a container and a towel to clean him.

I delicately started cleaning his face. Seeing his conditions breaks my heart. This is not how I expected it to be. This is not how I wanted meet him. Why would he do that? Why would someone attack him? Why do I always lose someone I cherish the most? I didn't realize that I was crying. Please wake up.

Memory | HIM Part-2 | Park Jihoon| TreasureWhere stories live. Discover now