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I rang the door bell once I reached home. Woojin sent me the name of the medicines and I asked jisung to get me those. I don't know what Jihoon might be doing at home.

The door opened revealing Jihoon with a pouty face.

" You said you'd be back by 7 it's 8:30 right-" He was offened but he was shocked once I hugged him. Don't ask me why I did that I felt sad after hearing what happened with him.

" I know you love me very much. " He teased as he hugged me back.

" Stop day dreaming. I just had a bad day so I wanted a hug. " I said as I pushed him softly and got inside.

" Whatever. " He rolled his eyes and closed the door. " Did you eat something? " I looked at him and he was looking at me too.

" Nope I was waiting for you" He said pointing towards the dining table were a box of pizza was kept. He was waiting for me? Like Mr jun was waiting for me?

" I'm sorry for being late. I'll go and get fresh then I'll join you" I apologized and walked in my bedroom shutting the door behind me when I entered.

I got fresh and wore something comfortable. I walked out the room and sat on the chair.

" You said you were having a bad day, did something go wrong? " He asked taking a bite of his slice. What should I tell him now?

" Just another hectic day. " I replied casually and chewed on the pizza. He nodded. He seems to accept that reason.

" Oh and why does the last room upstairs locked? " He asked narrowing his eyes with suspicion. As soon as the words left his mouth I choked on my food.

" D-Don't *cough cough* ever go *cough cough* to that room" I managed to speak between my coughs.

" Don't tell me you do something illegal in there" His eyes widened.

" There are dead bodies of the people I murdered so far. If you don't want to be one of them then don't you ever go in there. " I said firmly. It was a joke.

" I'm not a kid " He stick his tongue out.

" Well technically you are. Like you said you're Jun not Jihoon before the accident you were Jihoon and after that you are now Jun that means Jun was born 1 year ago so your a baby. You want me to buy you toys, baby? " I teased him and chuckled at my unfunny jokes like the uncle who laughs at his own jokes

" Well you know I don't mind it you can call me baby. But remember I have a 25 years old grown up man's mind and body too" He smirked. I cleared my throat and continued eating my pizza.

After few minutes I was done. I threw the box into the dustbin and walked towards my room but I was stopped by Jun.

" Wait. Let's watch movie together " He said. Am I supposed to accept it? Before I could even reply I found myself on the couch. Oh so he wasn't asking me.

" We'll watch "The fault in our stars" Any objections? " He raised his eye brows. I shook my head.

It been a hour since the movie started. We didn't talk all this while and concentrated on the movie. I was too indulged in the movie when I felt a heavy weight on my shoulder. I looked to my side and my breath hitched at the sight.

Jihoon fell asleep while his head was resting on my shoulder. He fell asleep? Wasn't it was he's idea to watch movie? Should I take him to his room? I caressed my back remembering the pain I felt when I carried him inside the house on the day I found him in my yard. Nope. I'm tired too so I'll just give him a blanket.

Memory | HIM Part-2 | Park Jihoon| TreasureWhere stories live. Discover now