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I called him numerous times but he isn't picking up. " Y/n, don't be so tensed. He will be back don't worry. " Lino tried comforting because I was panicking. " Lino, he is probably mad at me that's why he hasn't returned yet. " Because of anxiousness I started pulling my hairs. It's raining outside I hope he found shelter to hide himself from the rain.

You keep hurting him Y/n. No matter how much you try you end up hurting him even more. I was supposed to comfort him and give him company not to get in a fight with him.

I was curled up on the sofa of the living room, zoned out. I could hear the sound of raining and lighting. That's when I heard someone ring the door bell

With the speed of flash I ran to the door and opened it hoping for it to be Jun. And it was him. Clothes drenched in water, hair wet while the water trickled down his face. He had stern face which scream he was mad.

Without a word he went inside his room and closed it.


I splashed water on face after changing my clothes. I looked into my reflection on the mirror that was hung on the wall in front of me. If I dated someone then where is she?


" I can be your safest place if you let me" Her lips curled, smiling but I can't see her face. Who is she?

“ why am I seeing these?

" If you care about me then let me sleep" I rested my head on her shoulder. I could feel my heart beating like crazy.

" Wake me up! " I opened my eyes and saw the psychiatrist sitting there with a tensed face. " What was that? " My breath got heavier.

" Those are your memories that you don't want to forget. " She replied as she kept her hypnotizing instrument or whatever that was on the table.

"After hearing your problems I thought this would be the best way to help you. This won't recover your memory fully but it would surely contribute a bit to it. "

" Who is she? " " Did you not see her face? " " No. The visions were blurry. "
" You still have a long way to go.

Flashback ends

If she loved me, then where is she? I'm sure she is aware that I am in Korea. What happened between us in the past? Did we break up?

I heard someone knock on the door. I got out of the bathroom and opened the door of my room. " Jun? " I rolled my eyes at her and sat on the bed. " Where were you? " She sat in front of me. " None of your business. " I looked the other way. " According to rule no. 4 you cannot stay out for too long. So technically its my business. " I choose silence as an answer. I don't want to tell her that I visited the psychiatrist. As I said I'll find a solution myself. " Fine! I'm sorry for not being able to go out with you. " Seriously? She thinks I am mad her because she couldn't go out with me. I refused to look at her. " Jun? " " JUN! " She cupped my face and turned face towardd her.

" I'm sorry " She said softly but I gave no reaction. " If you're mad because of the argument we had then I'm sorry I won't apologize? " She pulled her hands from face. " Even if you're his boss that still doesn't give you the right to behave with  him in such a rude way. " " Oh? So it's all my fault now? Y/n? Say it honestly. Do you like him? " " What?! Of course no. "

" Then why do you always defend him? Why are you not realizing that he is a creep for always sticking around you. " " Seriously Jun? You once said to me it's okay for a person to like someone knowing that they won't love them back because feelings can't be controlled. " " I was idiot back then" I scoffed. " And. He never intended to hurt me or caused any harm. " " Whatever. I'm still not talking to you. You care about his feelings more than you care about mine." She sighed.

" I apologize for scolding you. I won't do it again. I'm sorry " She gave up? So easily? " That still won't do. " She blinked twice on what I said. " Then what else? " " Partner up with me. " Partner up with you? " She arced her eyebrow. I took out my phone and showed her a invitation to a party. " " You want me attend this party with you? But you said you don't like parties. " She averted her eyes from the phone to me.

" As long as you'll be there with me I won't mind. " I winked. " Okay then. I'll partner up with you. So, am I now forgiven? " " You're forgiven. " I smiled at her to which she smiled back.

" Why did you get wet in the rain? What if you get sick again? " She looked worried and equally mad. " Then you'll take care of me. I'm sure you wouldn't mind doing that. " I teased her " Naah. I'll tell lino to take care of you since he's here. " She smirked " No thanks"

" Dinner is ready come out and eat. " She informed and got up to leave. " Y/n?" I stopped her to which she hummed.  I stood up on my feet and positioned myself infront of her. " Can I hug you? " She was caught off guard because of what I just said. " O-okay" She was hesitating but agreed

Wrapping my arms around her, I rested my chin on her shoulder. Even though my heart was beating very fast it was comforting. " Give just 15 minutes " I whispered. I don't know who that girl is. What relation I had with her. She was my past. Y/n is my present. No one showed up. No one stepped up for me, it was y/n who stayed with me. Accepted me the way I am.

I don't care if she likes me back or not. I like her and that's all that matters to me. But what if he returns?

" Jun? Are you alright? " She had a worried tone in her voice. " I'm all good. " I broke the hug and stepped back, giving her a faint smile.


We are sitting at the dinner table enjoying the food lino made. He did get better in cooking I should say. " Y/n? I'll move out tomorrow morn-" " YESS!! FINALLY! " Lino and my head turned towards the guy who seemed extremely happy and was exclaiming loudly. " Why? " Both of us ignored that guy and continued our conversation. " Yujin's parents are going back so I'll move in with her. " He giggled happily.

" You must be eager? Will you be able to sleep tonight? " I teased cause he seemed way too excited even though it's been more than 5 years of their dating.

" You know I never expected you to turn this soft for someone you know. " I said taking a bite of the food. " Nor did I " He said thinking deeply. " My biological best friend is a perfect boyfriend. I wish I had one too. " I rest my face on my hand looking blankly at the plate.

Why is my love story so complicated?
" I can be your perfect boyfriend. "

Memory | HIM Part-2 | Park Jihoon| TreasureWhere stories live. Discover now