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" Lino please?! " I was in his room, both my hands joined together and begging him. " Hell no Y/n. How can you tell someone who has a girlfriend to sleep with someone else? " He straight away rejected my request. " I'm just telling you to sleep beside him nothing else. Is that too much to ask for? " I looked at him with my innocent eyes to convince him.

" And you think he would agree? " He said referring to Jun. " I'll convince him. But please? It's just a experiment." " What experiment? " He arced his left eyebrows suspiciously. " He has insomnia. But he can fall asleep when he's with me. So I want to see whether it's the same with you or not."

" And what if? He falls asleep? " He thought. " Then... " " Jesus Y/n noo! "
" Please. " " If he falls asleep I'd have to share bed with him till I'm here? No of course no! "

" Let's just see first. Don't jump to conclusions beforehand. " I tried to calm him down since he was freaking out. " Just tonight please? I'll do whatever you want. " " You love him that much? " I narrowed my eyes at his weird question. " You do know how much. So for me please do it. " " Fine! But just tonight. "


It was freaking hard convincing both of them to share bed but I need to find out whether I'm the rare case or it's just that he needs someone around him while sleeping so that he's assured.

Its around 1 a.m. and I need to check on them. I closed the door very carefully intending to not to make any kind of sound. Turning around I jumped when I met with Jun who was lying dead on the sofa with his eyes wide open. Calming myself down I approached him " Why are you here? " I stood in front of him, his head was resting on the head rest of the sofa. " That guy is snoring. Trust me it's more worse than my nightmares. " He said dead pan. I couldn't help but sigh at his words.

I opened the door of my room " Come in." I stood at the doorframe waiting for his positive response. " No way. " He pulled his legs up on the sofa and refused to follow my words. " Jun, do you think staying wide awake every night would help you? " He shook his head and closed his eyes showcasing his refusal. " Jun! Get inside!" I yelled not even being a little bothered about the sleeping lino. While he didn't even move an inch.

" I'm not asking you to share bed with me. I'll sleep on the sofa. Please. " There was a hint of frustration in the tone of my voice which he did seem to notice. " I'll sleep on the sofa. " He presented his demand. " Jun, it's mid night I am feeling sleepy, don't annoy me. Just do what I'm asking you to do. "

" Let me sleep on the sofa then. " There he goes again. " Jun, for God's sake listen to me once? Please? I'm begging you." He didn't say anything and got up from his place and walked inside.

“ Y/n, if I won't be able to sleep. I'll leave this room. " He said taking the blanket. I grabbed a pillow and a blanket and arranged them on the sofa of my room.

After switching off the lights I settled myself while he did the same. " Jun, promise me something. " I looked in his direction even though it was complete dark. " If you get any negative or bad thoughts please share it with me. Don't overthink about it. I'll be always there to listen to you. " Silence was the only thing I got in return. I let out deep breath and closed my eyes.

" Why are you doing this? " I heard his speak. There was something in the way he spoke that made him sound unhappy. " I'm just doing my part as a friend. " " Jun, stop blaming yourself. You're not a burden to me instead I'm thankful to you. "

" Thankful for what? "

" For something. I'll tell when it's the right time. Now sleep. " As soon as the words left my mouth I covered my face with the blanket.

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