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Jihoon's POV

I slammed the door shut on entering the room. It's not like I go around controlling her it was literally the first time I asked her to listen to me but she would never because that would hurt her pride. I had a valid reason for my disapproval but again she does what she feels like. All I was asking her to do was stay at home and that too was for her own good. It's not even work related that's just a Party. What's so important about it? She gives first priority to that guy over her health that's so idiotic!

I felt my phone buzz. I don't have any friend so that's obviously someone else. I unlocked my phone and saw a message from my brother. " Brand collaboration party? " I read those bold letters on my phone's screen. It was an invitation sent by my elder brother to the party he arranged. I hate partysssss....? Wait isn't this the one Y/n is going to? " At XXXXXXX venue " Sure. My lips curved into a smirk. This is the first time I'm thankful to my brother.

I opened my wardrobe to see if I have any relevant clothes for the party. And yes I have none. I rolled my eyes and closed it. I'm not giving up that easily. There's still plenty of time left for the party to start and can buy clothes till then. I grabbed my wallet and walked out of the room.

I was wearing my shoes " Where are you going? " Her voice felt soo weak. I didn't bother answering her and continued wearing my shoes. " Jun? " " Why do you care? From now on let's not interfere in each others business. " I grabbed the door handle to open it but stopped on my way. " And.. From now on I'll pay you the rent I don't want you to keep pitying on me. Text me the amount. " I averted my eyes back to the door handle, on unlocking it walked out of the house.


I peaked inside the house through the slightly opened door so that to make sure she wouldn't see me entering. When the way was clear I crept inside without making any sort of noise to catch her attention and quickly walked in my room.I sighed in relief when I safely made it to the room without her noticing me.

3 hours later~

" Jun, I'm leaving. " She opened the door of my room to announce it to me but I didn't even bother looking at her I kept my attention fixed my phone. When I heard the door close I dropped my phone on the mattress and peaked outside the window to see if she has left or not. And when I was sure she left. I went to get ready too.

I have no idea what do they even wear in these elegant parties

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I have no idea what do they even wear in these elegant parties. I tried my best as much I could.

Once I entered the venue my brother, who was welcoming the guests was shocked to see my sudden appearance.
" I wasn't expecting you to come. " My brother marked while my eyes where scanning the whole area finding any trace of Y/n. My eyes landed on Y/n where she was sitting with a group of people beside that MR. Kim. My brother seemed to guess for who I was here. " Oh. So you're here because of her? " He wasn't asking but teasing me. " None of your business. " I scoffed and walked towards their table but stopped when I saw her excuse herself from those unknown people.

Y/n pov

I should have stayed at home. It was all fine as long as I was at home but once I started walking in those heels it's getting hard for me to walk. " Oh Y/n you're here finally. " Mr Kim hugged me with a huge smile plastered on his face. I smiled back to not look rude. He led me to a group of people chatting about their business.

I don't even now how long it's been and my head hurts like crazy. I wanted to sleep right here but I obviously can't. I excused myself from the group of people and their blah blah and walked to the restroom to get sometime alone. Even though nothing in my vision was clear but I took support of the walls to lead me to the restroom thank god no one really was on this side. My face has already started heating up and these damn heels are for no good either it's just making it more worse.

" Here" Even though my vision wasn't that clear but I could make out a palm and a tablet on it. I raised my head a bit higher to look at who this voice belonged to. I was surprised to see it was Jun. He was looking at the other direction but not towards me. I guess he's still angry. I took the tablet from his hand and continued my journey towards the restroom which seemed never ending.

" Where are you going? " He asked with coldness in his voice. " To the restroom."
I felt his arms around my shoulder and the other holding on to my other arm to give some support to my soulless body and led me to the restroom. He stopped at the entrance and pulled his hands back. " Meet me where your Mr. Kim is when you're done. " He said and left without waiting for me to respond.

Jihoon's Pov

"Meet me where your Mr. Kim is when you're done. " I said and walked away till then I have to take care of something.

I walked towards Mr. Kim who was busy talking with some people. " Mr. Ji- I mean Jun? " When he took notice of me he excused himself from those people, they walked away leaving the two of us. " I never thought you'd come sir" He was amazed but still smiled at me. " How could I not Yoon? I'm really curious about what you said to my girl that she forced herself to attend this party? Even though she wasn't willing to. " I clenched my jaws to keep the anger inside me. " Sir I can't make out? " His eyes were wide but was still confused of my words. " Y/n. She's my girlfriend. And I'm also curious why did you even asked her to attend the party? When it was only for the brand members. Why is Y/n the only Model here from our company? Why didn't you invite others too? " He gulped hard and was avoiding making eye contact with me " S-sir" " Do you think I don't know why you did that? " I stepped closer to him " S-sir trust me I had no idea you two were dating. " He was shuttering.

" Hey..? What going on? " My brother who came here to greet us was stuned at the tension between us. " It doesn't matter whether you were aware of it or not but I guess you're well aware of the rules and regulations of our company. I know you are. According to rule number 4 no employees should date each other. If anyone violets the rules he or she will be fired. " I bent a bit to look at his afraid face. " So yoon? Want to get fired or continue this job?"

" Sir I'm sorry I won't do this again " He bowed to me. " I can't take risk you know. " He immediately looked at my brother for help " I'm not involving myself in this " My brother backed off immediately. " Sir please " He begged. I felt my brother tap my shoulder and eyed to his side. I looked around to see what he meant and saw Y/n approaching. I stepped back from him. " Behave like a colleague to her don't cross the line. " I smiled at him so that she won't suspect anything. " Y/n we should go home now" I smiled Cheekily at her. " But Mr Kim-" " I'm sure Mr. Kim too wants you to go home and rest. Isn't it Yoon? " " Ye-yes sir " He's still shaking. Anyways he deserves it.

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